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10ea California Games 1-10 Mint Tickets

In 1984-1985 I bought 10 tickets from the first ten games in California and put them in a safe deposit box. I never looked at them for years. In the 90's I created a webpage and had Pictures of them. and really enjoyed the idea that someone else was as stupid as me to buy 100 lottery tickets and not scratch them. I was a member of the club and the coining of the word Lottology.

Things got crazy as life does with a family and I still have my tickets 20+ years later. I decided to do some research and it looks like the club and most of the people I dealt with are no longer active. I see even in this Forum the last entry was several months ago.

Does anyone have any idea if my tickets are worth anything, and if Ebay would be the best place to list them?