18u Message Board

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We will respect your confidentiality unless we we are told about a serious crime or any child at risk Then we might have to talk to someone about it to get help.

18u Message Board
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The season has come and gone. The time has come round again to get back to some serious work. I would like to wish you all the very best in 2009. I know that some workers have just newly joined us but now is the time to get busy. There is much work to do to keep up the good standards which we are all accustomed to.
Thank you all for your committment in 2008 lets try more of the same for 2009. There are a lot of young people out there that could use our help.
One of your Managers xx


Thanks very much Sandra, i hope you had a nice break and are ready to get back to work too :) i think thanks are in order for you as well for all your work and commitment (im going to get accused of being a suck ass now) but seriously thanks a lot and hope to see you soon :) x


suck ass! x


We can always rely on jerri to be predictable - this reminds me of the time i got a painting and she never! lol x


did it remind you because you were an even bigger suck ass and thats why you got the painting and i never?x


Oops that was meant to be my post but i guess u guys figured that anyway - took me a while cos im so slow! x


lol. OH MY GOD!!! that was katy posting as me cause i'm cooking tea and asked her to fix what i put because i'd put it in her name cause she posted just before me. x

p.s. im not slow lol