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18u Message Board
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the challenge

so here it does begin!
a challenge of rythm and grace,
and who i wonder will win?
who will put who in their place?

Re: the challenge

Don't hunt in the East or search to the West
Don't look to South point or scour North pass
Don't give up your time in quest for the best
Here I am rhyme queen and best in the class

Re: the challenge

OMG these are amazing! Cant keep up with all the posts! lol x

Re: the challenge

for every queen there is a king,
to take responsibility and power,
well here i am to do my thing,
and over your rhyme i tower!

Re: the challenge

And men must act the way they do,
They always build a tower
Why can't they think of something new
To keep themselves in power?

Re: the challenge

what pray you suggest?
they use instead of a tower?
perhaps war they could divest,
and truth and love endower!