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Ever since my girlfriend and I went to a "party" at a graveyard in our hood, I'm always feeling like I'm being followed. I was driving home from school and my friend calls me and askes me who that was in my car with me...I waS alone! My new cat won't come out when I'm home now and hides. I can't sleep because I feel like there's someone there with me iun the room. My mom even called the police the other night because she says she saw a man going up the stairs as she came in...again, no one there! Any advice, please?

Re: Graveyards

Sounds to me like you took something home with you besides a buzz that night. A good psychic and more common sense in the future will probably get things back to normal again. On the simple side of things, you and your friend might try going back to the cemetary and telling the ghost "Its been real, but now stay here and don't follow me home!" Has she had any problems?

Re: Graveyards

I would have to agree and say you probably brought someone home with you...invited or not. Graveyards are places that demand respect, both for those interred there and to the families they left behind, and any disrespect is usually dealt with accordingly.

My suggestion is, as Krystal suggested, get a good psychic involved if a simple drive back to the cemetery involved and asking your "guest" to stay there doesn't work. Sometimes this and an apology for any disrespect is all that is needed.

You can find reliable psychic help either through contacting an established and reputable group that uses psychics (sometimes referred to as Sensitives) or through a friend who's opinion you trust. Stay out of the Yellow Pages,Tarot shops, etc. where they tend to charge you for using a gift that was meant to be freely given, not rented.

Good luck and don't forget to keep us informed as to how you do either here or through email (triprg@yahoo.com). Thanks!


Re: Graveyards

I'm not trying to be mean, but what did you think would happen? Things will never change that kids will do just about anything in the name of remaining with the "in people" and preserving their popularity. What happened at this party? Were you among those that were puking and urinating on graves? Gee, ya think ya might of ****** someone off, Blair? Ya think?! Sounds pretty much to me like you got what was coming to you!

Re: Graveyards

Hey Jackie...thanks, you are right! I was on a oneway street to an early grave and the only one who saw that was someone who made the same mistakes I was making and paid a horrible price. A visit to a local medium opened the door to a world I had never believed truly existed and to the fact I was being haunted by Tim Gregory, one of four kids killed in a car accident back in the 1950s (I researched it). He was drunk...enough said. Not until I was close to losing my mind did I finally face the fact that I had a serious problem. On your advice I spoke to a highly recommended medium who told me what I had to do. I sat down with my parents and told them about my problem. For the first time my dad actually hugged me for real and my mother and I have never been closer. My ghost is gone and the hauntings have stopped, just as the medium promised. I feel like I have been given another chance. I thank you for your help.
