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Re: Domestic Abuse Discussion Thread

Hello all.

That's very true Katy. Many people have the ability to pretend it's not happening. It can sometimes be easier to "put up" with it rather than going to get help but I can asure anyone in doubt, once you do reach out to someone, your life can be yours again. The feeling of being free from something like domestic abuse can be overwhelming. It can stop.


Re: Domestic Abuse Discussion Thread

Domestic abuse is generally discussed in relation to hetrosexual people. Thats a man and a woman who are either living together or married.
There are other types of relationships out there that involve same sex couples, and they are either two men living together or two women living together. These types of relationships can also be rather volatile, and a person who is in a same sex relationship may not feel that they can go forward to the authorities for fear of being ridiculed. Xmas is a time of the year where there is a lot of strain placed on any type of relationships.
If you have a mum that lives with another woman, or your dad lives with another man and they argue and fight all the time, we are here for you too, so dont forget that you can call us to get advice on any issue, or just speak to someone with regard to whats going on in your house.We are here to support you and help you understand. Call us.

Re: Domestic Abuse Discussion Thread

Can it happen between parents and their adult kid? Like can the relationship be and how do you know it is and not just normal family fights? What signs are there?

Re: Domestic Abuse Discussion Thread

If someone in the family is hitting, hurting, bullying or intimidating someone else in the family then as far as I am concerned it's abuse. Normal family disagreements are arguing, maybe shouting in some families or loud arguing. No one has the right to hit or hurt someone else and no one should feel that it is normal or put up with it. Adult children sometimes abuse their parents and parents sometimes abuse their children. It so much depends on who has the power and on whether the person then chooses to misuse their power.
Anyone this is happening to should try to get some help to sort it out.

Re: Domestic Abuse Discussion Thread

What if they are only grabbed or hit sometimes by their parents? Like occasionally but shouting and arguing always happens? But then sometimes it's ok. But the daughter spends a lot of time in her room even when things are ok because she might be worried something will kick off?

Re: Domestic Abuse Discussion Thread

Parents should not be hitting their kids. That's not right. I don't think it's okay either to be worried about things kicking off. Is there anyone the daughter can talk to about it? An aunt or a grandparent? What about a friend?

If things are okay sometimes, could the parents be talked to about it then? It does not sound like a happy house.

Re: Domestic Abuse Discussion Thread

Thankyou. I just wanted to know someone else's views on it and stuff.