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Re: a good deed from me

That is a real nice thing to do you must be a real nice person :)

Re: a good deed from me

What a lovely thing to be doing. It might be worth looking into menstrual cups, rather than tampons and towels. They last for years and simply need emptied down the toilet or even a sink. Might be a better option for homeless women?

I can also recommend simple little acts of kindness, once me and the kids went and bought a reduced bouquet of flowers from the supermarket and walked around the town giving people a flower. Some people looked at us like we were mad, but other people gave up the biggest smile ever.

Re: a good deed from me

Hey Lou nice to meet you!

That is a fantastic idea well done, it's great to know that someone out there is thinking of these poor women and I think it is a fantastic thing to do.

Well done again

Re: a good deed from me

Hey marley, ive looked up what the menstrual cups are and think they would be better. Never heard of them before. Do you know of any shops I can buy them from? Ive only come across sites to order them from online.

Re: a good deed from me

Buying them online is cheaper, but you can get them in boots