*Rockn' V Southwestern Ranch Message Board*

Howdy All! This is your BRAND NEW Rockn' V Southwestern Ranch Message Board!! It is here for all to post on. Who's first? Please post here real soon! Thank ya kindly, Webmaster, Buffalo Gal

*Rockn' V Southwestern Ranch Message Board*
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Re: RR/DE Fans Sharing Helpful Household/Other Tips

For Household Tips, try www.mortonsalt.com

and they provide recipes at this site.

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Replying to:

Always keep a copy of ALL credit cards you have in your possesion...keep this in a safe place so if cards are lost/stolen you will have this within reach to report all info to each credit card company. If traveling and a passport is required, take a copy of it with you but in a place other than where original is located so it will be easy to produce in aiding getting another if valid passport is lost/stolen. Also, leave a copy of the passport with a trusted family member and your attorney...along with your trip details...(places you can be located).