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Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of CRITICISM by Deviants Behaving FOOLISHLY

Leadership my rear end! Foulks doesn't know leadership from a hole in the ground.

He is so concentrated on bad-mouthing and dis-ing people, he doesn't realize what a fool he has been making of himself.

He can fool himself all the time, but he doesn't fool anybody else.

CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is a compassionate attitude towards the person qualified for criticism.

Having higher experience, gifts, respect, knowledge in specific field and being able to verbally convince at the same time, this person is intending to uplift the other person materially, morally, emotionally or spiritually.

For high probability in succeeding his compassionate criticism the critic has to be in some kind of healthy personal relationship with the other one, which is normally a parent to child, friend to friend, teacher to student, spouse to spouse or any kind of recognized authority in specific field.

Hence the word constructive is used so that something is created or visible outcome generated rather than the opposite.

Participatory learning in pedagogy is based on these principles of constructive criticism.

Here the saying applies that example is better than precept.

There can be tension between constructive and useful criticism; for instance, a critic might usefully help an individual artist to recognize what is poor or slapdash in their body of work—but the critic may have to appear harsh and judgmental in order to state this.

But useful criticism is a practical part of constructive criticism.

DESTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is intended to harm someone, derogate and destroy someone’s creation, prestige, reputation and self-esteem on whatever level it might be.

This may be done intentionally or out of sheer ignorance and foolishness.

Hence the word destructive is used.

In practical life destructive criticism may be disguised as constructive to be more painful while harming.

Valid examination of intention of critic is when asked to prove, to help or to be somewhat useful at all.

Often destructive criticism comes from persons who are envious, cruel and those who judges in fields which are not their own.

PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER (also called NEGATIVISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER) is a personality disorder said to be marked by a pervasive pattern of negative attitudes and passive, usually disavowed resistance in interpersonal or occupational situations.

On that point, Cecil Adams writes:

Merely being passive-aggressive isn't a disorder but a behavior — sometimes a perfectly rational behavior, which lets you dodge unpleasant chores while avoiding confrontation.

It's only pathological if it's a habitual, crippling response reflecting a pervasively pessimistic attitude.

When the behaviors are part of a person's personality disorder or personality style, repercussions are not usually immediate, but instead accumulate over time as the individuals affected by the person come to recognize the disavowed aggression coming from that person.


Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

Election results should be posted without editing. Exactly as they were. It is up to those elected to be sworn in. To gain trust, you should have posted the results after the election as you had previously promised.

As far as George goes, I would have to make him a favorite in an election against you. However, you still have time to keep doing the right thing. You wrote a nice letter to the newspaper. Keep up the good work.

Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

Ahmed R.,

Have you ever bothered to read the CCO Articles of Organization?

There is no "swearing in" ceremony. There is no "editing" of election results, whatever you are suggesting by that.

The fact remains is that I have yet to make contact with all of the people whose names were written in to determine their eligibility and willingness to participate further. There is also an issue of some tie-votes which must be resolved as the top eight vote-getters receive a weighted voting power of 3 amongst the others two possible groups of 8 which get a weighted voting power of 2 or 1.

If a few of the people whose names were written in don't care to participate or aren't qualified to do so, the second relevant issue can become moot and the election results can be released more quickly.

I'm surprised Peter Enger didn't show up at 11pm to properly "monitor" the initial count; he showed up with a camera earlier and made threats to "expose me".

Maybe he was threatened by the truth being exposed: there were almost 50 ballots cast, a large number for me, and absolutely none for him or anyone else in the UTCC as far as I can tell at this point in time.

I'm a little bit embarrassed again because I again forgot to vote myself! I guess we will never know for sure who I would have gone on record selecting as MY Cabdriver-Represenatives!

I think George Lutfallah would be a challenging candidate to "run against". However, the nice thing about the CCO is that it is currently designed to let many different voices and opinions in and measure them and give them equitable power to collectively represent "Chicago cabdrivers".

George Lutfallah and I disagree on many key issues; I think you would be surprised at how many or how strongly, especially if you've been fed the misleading claims of the "Foulks/Lutfallah" conspiracy from those who falsely see all of their (valid) critics or "enemies" to be conspiring "friends". Charges of "conspiracies" have quickly become a tired, attention-getting trick of Prateek Sampat and Peter Enger.

Thanks for your compliment on my letter to the editor of the Chicago Tribune. I hope it helps others to see our issues more sympathetically as much as it has probably helped you to see that I do a lot more than "spew junk". My arrows, however toxic or poisonous, which you have objected to are similarily based in fact and their targets are more deserving of my scorn than perhaps you are aware of.

You are concerned about "trust"? Reveal yourself so you can be verified. Put yourself in our shoes, those who don't use aliases to bombard this site with outright sabotage or a more subtle abuse of the "truthful" opinions of cabdrivers.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

Election results should be posted without editing. Exactly as they were. It is up to those elected to be sworn in. To gain trust, you should have posted the results after the election as you had previously promised.

As far as George goes, I would have to make him a favorite in an election against you. However, you still have time to keep doing the right thing. You wrote a nice letter to the newspaper. Keep up the good work.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

In other words, a child's game, a sham, like the 2000 and 2004 "elections."


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

I don't think that there should be any disputes of who is the president of CCO, but there may a question of who is going to be the next vice president.

I will be surprise if it is going to be a recount.

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Replying to:

In other words, a child's game, a sham, like the 2000 and 2004 "elections."


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

What more is there to reveal? I have already told my history as a taxi driver. I have told you that I'm an owner operator. You have my first name. More than I can say for most of the others here. I am not the first, second third or fourth greatest driver. I'm not a number. My name is Ahmed.

Sure I am also afraid of ticking off someone at city hall. At least I'm not beating my chest saying I'm not afraid of the city. I have most of my savings tied up in my cab. I will sue when the time is right and I have an airtight case against the city or an employee of the city. I have detailed a change that was made at the inspection lane at my request. George wants this story. Right now I am torn between him and the UTCC newsletter. My wife wants me to shut up and hide. She probably has better sense than I do.

Peter Enger means well. However, the goal is to get the city to straighten out. Not the UTCC vs. the CCO. Am I right? I am going on record to tell Peter to keep up the good work of the UTCC. Going to war with Mike Foulks is not going to help.

Many moons ago I was at a drivers meeting on the West side. Our complaints were against the city and also Yellow cab. Now many of us are owners as well as drivers. Lottery, buying a wolley, getting ripped off by Schneider or medallion funding, etc. Is just seem to me that we could really have a good business to support ourselves and family if we could charge fair rates and get the city to find another group to rape. A friend of mine that has been in Chicago for 6 years now says that cab drivers get the worst rap here. He has lived in other big cities and never has seen this kind of bad publicity. Where does it start you ask? City Hall.

Do the right thing and post the actual election results now. Post the final results after you have weeded through the ties and people without interest at a later date. Add to the credibility you have recently established. Do not take this as a cut down. It takes a big man to accept that he might not have as big a following as he thought he had.

Do you think the Weiss Shen Seven have more that 50 followers. I'll bet they do. Same could be said for the UTCC. You're a bright guy that could have a future here. The quarter back hands off to a guy that can run it up the field. Quit trying to be an ultraback. Thats why I suggested George lend you a hand since he seems to agree with you. I now see that you do not always agree with George. I think its your loss. How many baseball games are won by a team with one player? Baseball temas use 25 guys. Football 52 men. Enger has a crew as well. So does the Weiss Shen Seven. Whos on the board of the CCO?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

Ahmed R.,

You could go on record with your last name, chauffeur's license number, address, etc., like 48 Chicago cabdrivers did when they registered and voted in the second CCO election last week.

They didn't "beat their chest". They just aren't as afraid of the City as you seem to be. And yes, many of them are owner/drivers who have just as much to "risk" as you do.

What was changed at the inspection lane at your request?

You wife proabably does have more sense than you; most wives do have better sense than their husbands.

Why are you "torn" between the UTCC newsletter and the Chicago Dispatcher? Are you trying to "sell" your story? Why not just "tell" your story to both?

I agree with you that Peter Enger means well- most of the time. But almost never towards me (unless he wants something from me, of course). Besides, the Road To Hell is paved with Good Intentions. Peter Enger could very well screw up the good work and reputations of the handful of well-meaning cabdrivers in UTCC just as he became a problem for Melissa Callahan and the AUPD with his obstinance.

I am not at "war" with the UTCC. I am disturbed by Prateek Sampat, Donald Nathan, Yi Tang, and Peter Enger/Steve Kim (and sometimes Wolf Weiss). They have clearly been at or seem to be at "war" with me; they have used such competitive terms themselves.

I completely understand the spin against us originates from City Hall. Coincidentally, I have had the "Honor" of having "His Patrick" as a passenger.

Your projected presumptions are pointless. There were 48 ballots cast in the second CCO election, which was less "contested" than the first CCO election, which saw more than fifty ballots.

My following is my following, Ahmed R.. It is usually bigger than what most people think. I didn't even campaign for this second CCO election because it became clear that there would be no serious challenge from anyone who you think has a "larger" following.

Doesn't that make you guilty of setting two factions against each other? What's your point? I have always had a natural following much larger than the combined followings of many others in discussion. So what?

I'll take your bet that the Weiss/Shen Seven don't have more than 50 "followers", depending on how you define "followers".

Sorry, Ahmed R., but a lot of cabdrivers don't agree with George Lutfallah in many of the same ways I do. Your sports analogies make no sense to me...I picked up a ball that nobody else was moving or had "fumbled"- the petition for the fare increase hearing and the idea of cabdriver-representative elections.

Only John Henry Assabill of the Ghanaian Cabdriver Association and the Ghana National Council has a better "record" of working hard for and getting democratic support from his constituents.

The first election of the CCO produced votes for me, Syed Z. Ali, John Rees, Steve Wiedersberg, Gregory McGee, Melissa Callahan, and Ted Budzynski. That's not "my" "board". That's who the Chicago cabdrivers who participated selected. Unfortunately, for many different reasons, over half of these first C-R's didn't ever come to a single CCO meeting.

Now, with the second CCO election, eleven names were written in. Time will tell if they are any more or less committed than the first group. I have yet to contact all of them as I have already explained. If you will read the CCO Articles of Organization, you will see that this process isn't just made up as one goes along. It's written down. There is an issue about awarding weighted votes amongst the possible 24 C-R's which must be resolved as I have also previously explained.

There is no issue of "credibility". All CCO votes are open and recorded. The only issue of credibility comes from you if you personally choose to ignore that fact and ignore the registrations/votes of the nearly 100 individual cabdrivers from the first two CCO elections which some are desperately trying to convince others to do.

Why didn't you come to Zaiqa and vote for George Lutfallah and yourself? That would have likely made both of you Cabdriver-Representatives of the CCO.

Ahmed R., please don't tell anyone to quit doing anything. Quit telling other people what to do; you are falling into the same trap that others have.

You are just one cabdriver with your idle opinion whose actual support from other cabdrivers has only been measured in your own mind. If you are too scared to show your face, your best intentions are virtually useless. Your criticisms are duly noted.

I'm here to lead Brave Captains, not babbling cowards. Which are you?

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

What more is there to reveal? I have already told my history as a taxi driver. I have told you that I'm an owner operator. You have my first name. More than I can say for most of the others here. I am not the first, second third or fourth greatest driver. I'm not a number. My name is Ahmed.

Sure I am also afraid of ticking off someone at city hall. At least I'm not beating my chest saying I'm not afraid of the city. I have most of my savings tied up in my cab. I will sue when the time is right and I have an airtight case against the city or an employee of the city. I have detailed a change that was made at the inspection lane at my request. George wants this story. Right now I am torn between him and the UTCC newsletter. My wife wants me to shut up and hide. She probably has better sense than I do.

Peter Enger means well. However, the goal is to get the city to straighten out. Not the UTCC vs. the CCO. Am I right? I am going on record to tell Peter to keep up the good work of the UTCC. Going to war with Mike Foulks is not going to help.

Many moons ago I was at a drivers meeting on the West side. Our complaints were against the city and also Yellow cab. Now many of us are owners as well as drivers. Lottery, buying a wolley, getting ripped off by Schneider or medallion funding, etc. Is just seem to me that we could really have a good business to support ourselves and family if we could charge fair rates and get the city to find another group to rape. A friend of mine that has been in Chicago for 6 years now says that cab drivers get the worst rap here. He has lived in other big cities and never has seen this kind of bad publicity. Where does it start you ask? City Hall.

Do the right thing and post the actual election results now. Post the final results after you have weeded through the ties and people without interest at a later date. Add to the credibility you have recently established. Do not take this as a cut down. It takes a big man to accept that he might not have as big a following as he thought he had.

Do you think the Weiss Shen Seven have more that 50 followers. I'll bet they do. Same could be said for the UTCC. You're a bright guy that could have a future here. The quarter back hands off to a guy that can run it up the field. Quit trying to be an ultraback. Thats why I suggested George lend you a hand since he seems to agree with you. I now see that you do not always agree with George. I think its your loss. How many baseball games are won by a team with one player? Baseball temas use 25 guys. Football 52 men. Enger has a crew as well. So does the Weiss Shen Seven. Whos on the board of the CCO?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

mr f only answers questions that he thinks will benefit him and detract from the person he is asking or one or more of his favorite whipping boy victims of wrath

he likes to build himself up by tearing others down

the real issues are lost in waves of meaningless banter inappropriate challenges personal bias and trash none of which qualifies as intelligent discourse by any stretch of the imagination except of course in mr f's mind gone wild

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

Luke Miskof,

Again, Luke, what question would you like me to answer?

Your criticisms of "meaningless banter" are better-directed towards Wolf Weiss and others.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

mr f only answers questions that he thinks will benefit him and detract from the person he is asking or one or more of his favorite whipping boy victims of wrath

he likes to build himself up by tearing others down

the real issues are lost in waves of meaningless banter inappropriate challenges personal bias and trash none of which qualifies as intelligent discourse by any stretch of the imagination except of course in mr f's mind gone wild

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

Even Melissa had other help her with the strike of '07. I can't remember the other young men, but do remember seeing their names and photos in The Dispatcher. All I see from you is an army of one.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

Ahmed R.,

Either you're not looking hard enough or you are predisposed to be blind to anyone associated with me. Some of their names have also been published in the Chicago Dispatcher.

A lot of people in my "army" shy away from the spotlight naturally or deliberately. For the record, I've used spies to keep my eyes and ears on certain people at certain times for usually very good reasons.

I hope this revelation doesn't compound your paranoia. Seriously.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

Even Melissa had other help her with the strike of '07. I can't remember the other young men, but do remember seeing their names and photos in The Dispatcher. All I see from you is an army of one.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: tmr f only answers questions


mr f only answers questions IN SUCH A WAY that he thinks will benefit him and detract from the person he is asking or one or more of his favorite whipping boy victims of wrath

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: tmr f only answers questions

Okay Luke,

I'll start answering questions in a way that detracts from me and stop making detracting statements about idiots like you once you start doing it yourself or at least, stop making idiotic postings like this.

You might be joining the "Jackass Club" very soon. Make a new card, Wolf!

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:


mr f only answers questions IN SUCH A WAY that he thinks will benefit him and detract from the person he is asking or one or more of his favorite whipping boy victims of wrath

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: tmr f only answers questions

what a cur·mudg·eon

change your diaper

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Okay Luke,

I'll start answering questions in a way that detracts from me and stop making detracting statements about idiots like you once you start doing it yourself or at least, stop making idiotic postings like this.

You might be joining the "Jackass Club" very soon. Make a new card, Wolf!

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:


mr f only answers questions IN SUCH A WAY that he thinks will benefit him and detract from the person he is asking or one or more of his favorite whipping boy victims of wrath

"Luke Miskof" is Wolf Weiss rearranging my name...

"Luke Miskof" is an anagram of "Mike Foulks".

Nice alias, Wolf-jerky.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:


mr f only answers questions IN SUCH A WAY that he thinks will benefit him and detract from the person he is asking or one or more of his favorite whipping boy victims of wrath

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

Sorry, Ahmed R., but a lot of cabdrivers don't agree with George Lutfallah in many of the same ways I do. Your sports analogies make no sense to me...I picked up a ball that nobody else was moving or had "fumbled"- the petition for the fare increase hearing and the idea of cabdriver-representative elections.

Team team team team. This is what I'm trying to show you Mike. It takes a team to get things done. Even Ritchie Rich has one. When your team is one you can't get a mountain moved. Get the idea?

All of the other guys you mentioned, George the Ghanans, etc. have a team. The Weiss Shen seven, The UTCC, even George has a team. Look in the Dispatcher and see the other names.
Johnathan Bullington comes to mind. With the Weiss Shen Seven the other five+ Don Nathan come to mind. Utcc: Enger, Kim, Fayaz, Prateek, etc.

Whos the second in command at the CCO?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the subject of mikefoulks

Ahmed R.,

I have a "team", whose players have filled different purposes at different times.

I enlisted several cabdrivers to collect signatures and return petition forms to me. At a rate far greater than Prateek Sampat, I might add.

I "get the idea" of the power of a team. More than many others.

Many here are quite aware of my reluctance to doing anything solitarily. I will, however, step up and fill the void if nobody else seems willing. Don't think I enjoy that, though.

The new Vice-President of the CCO will most likely be a guy named Tahir. I've yet to decide or discuss it with him. It could easily be someone else.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

Sorry, Ahmed R., but a lot of cabdrivers don't agree with George Lutfallah in many of the same ways I do. Your sports analogies make no sense to me...I picked up a ball that nobody else was moving or had "fumbled"- the petition for the fare increase hearing and the idea of cabdriver-representative elections.

Team team team team. This is what I'm trying to show you Mike. It takes a team to get things done. Even Ritchie Rich has one. When your team is one you can't get a mountain moved. Get the idea?

All of the other guys you mentioned, George the Ghanans, etc. have a team. The Weiss Shen seven, The UTCC, even George has a team. Look in the Dispatcher and see the other names.
Johnathan Bullington comes to mind. With the Weiss Shen Seven the other five+ Don Nathan come to mind. Utcc: Enger, Kim, Fayaz, Prateek, etc.

Whos the second in command at the CCO?