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Re: I answer "nearly" all questions.

Nearly the truth is the "truth" enough to all members of CCO....

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Replying to:

Yes, I am not, however slightly and, misunderstood though quoted, accurately.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

mr. moulks, are you or are you not a multiple personality disordered schizophrenic obsessive compulsive megalomaniac?

(see, i'm talking to myself already)

Re: Re: I answer "nearly" all questions.

He (Luke, et cetera) only answers the questions that he can use to make a fool of himself.

(OH LOOK "GIB TAF HTUOM" is an annagram of ""GIB TAF HTUOM."

Is this what we have come to? Is this the bottom, the gateway to the first circle of brimstone and fire?

I feel for me, I really feel for me.

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Replying to:

Nearly the truth is the "truth" enough to all members of CCO....

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Replying to:

Yes, I am not, however slightly and, misunderstood though quoted, accurately.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

mr. moulks, are you or are you not a multiple personality disordered schizophrenic obsessive compulsive megalomaniac?

(see, i'm talking to myself already)

Re: Re: Re: I answer "nearly" all questions.

"Yes, I am not, however slightly and, misunderstood though quoted, accurately."

does anyone know what this means? i think it means he IS a megalomaniac atleast.

some one get me (i mean him--mf) a big pillow for my (his) large inflated head

Re: Re: Re: Re: I answer "nearly" all questions.

The pillow is for his long donkey ears, he only has a virtual head from the vacuum caused by missing brain to keep his long donkey ears connected to his donkey neck, which is connected to his donkey butt.

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Replying to:

"Yes, I am not, however slightly and, misunderstood though quoted, accurately."

does anyone know what this means? i think it means he IS a megalomaniac atleast.

some one get me (i mean him--mf) a big pillow for my (his) large inflated head

Re: I answer all questions.

since you answer 'nearly' all questions, answer me this one: do you have a girlfriend? do you LIKE girls? i heard you're cute, even with your long ears. (i like long ears)


Re: Re: I answer all questions.

No, I don't have a girlfriend, my imaginary one would get jealous.

Anyhow, I am at an age where I don't care for "girls". I prefer women.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

since you answer 'nearly' all questions, answer me this one: do you have a girlfriend? do you LIKE girls? i heard you're cute, even with your long ears. (i like long ears)


Re: Re: Re: I answer to girls BIG LONG EARS

goirls with BIG LONG EARS will do

he-haw he-haw heee-hawwwww

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Replying to:

No, I don't have a girlfriend, my imaginary one would get jealous.

Anyhow, I am at an age where I don't care for "girls". I prefer women.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

since you answer 'nearly' all questions, answer me this one: do you have a girlfriend? do you LIKE girls? i heard you're cute, even with your long ears. (i like long ears)
