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Re: Foulks is the long eared father of fools

I recognize him as the long eared father of fools.

Re: Re: Foulks is the long eared father of fools

sounds "official" enough to everyone, unless disapproved by the chicago dispatcher (never happened so far). like it or not, he is entitled to it and he owns it at least until sometimes in the september.

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Replying to:

I recognize him as the long eared father of fools.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Long Eared Father of Fools Day

Отец дураки с длинными осла уши Дни

Feast of Fools

A celebration marked by much LICENSE and BUFFOONERY, during the later middle ages took place every year on or about the feast of the CIRCUMCISION (1 Jan.).

It was known by many names -- Festum Fatuorum, Festum Stultorum, Festum Hypodiaconorum, to note only some Latin variants -- and it is difficult, if not quite impossible, to distinguish it from certain other similar celebrations, such, for example, as the FEAST OF ASSES, and the Feast of the Donkey Boy.

So far as the FEAST OF FOOLS had an independent existence, it seems to have grown out of a special "festival of the subdeacons", which John Beleth, a liturgical writer of the twelfth century and an Englishman by birth, assigns to the day of the CIRCUMCISION.

This feast of the subdeacons afterwards developed into the feast of the lower clergy (esclaffardi), and was later taken up by CERTAIN BROTHERHOODS or guilds of "FOOLS" with a definite organization of their own, such as the purely imaginary CCO.

There can be little doubt -- and medieval censors themselves freely recognized the fact -- that the LICENSE and BUFFOONERY which marked this occasion had their origin in pagan cab driver customs of very ancient date.

Отец дураки с длинными осла уши Дни

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Replying to:

sounds "official" enough to everyone, unless disapproved by the chicago dispatcher (never happened so far). like it or not, he is entitled to it and he owns it at least until sometimes in the september.

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Replying to:

I recognize him as the long eared father of fools.


define what you believe as "legitimate". the voting process? the monitoring process? the counting process? the approval of articles process? (by one person)

by this measure, all we cabdrivers in chicago could 1. call an election 2. approve our own articles 3. set up an election in a drivr restaurant 4. shanghai drivers to 'vote' for us in our election 5. monitor our own election all day 6. count our own votes at the end of the day AND 7: !!! declare ourselves president of our VERY OWN L

would the dispatcher and george lutfallah then recognize all of us as presidents? what a beautiful day that would be! we could all call each other mr. president all day long!!

But you haven't done any of that, have you, "bilder"?


You are quite correct in your analysis...but you haven't done any of that, have you?

You haven't written or published any rules of any organization.

You haven't held an election.

You haven't asked cabdrivers to endorse you.

You haven't a record of votes or membership.

If you did, I'm sure that George Lutfallah and others would give you an equitable amount of respect or coverage to your regularly democratic, verifiable record of organized results.

There wouldn't ever be 10,000 "Presidents". I don't think there would ever even be 10,000 Registered-Members, for that matter.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

define what you believe as "legitimate". the voting process? the monitoring process? the counting process? the approval of articles process? (by one person)

by this measure, all we cabdrivers in chicago could 1. call an election 2. approve our own articles 3. set up an election in a drivr restaurant 4. shanghai drivers to 'vote' for us in our election 5. monitor our own election all day 6. count our own votes at the end of the day AND 7: !!! declare ourselves president of our VERY OWN L

would the dispatcher and george lutfallah then recognize all of us as presidents? what a beautiful day that would be! we could all call each other mr. president all day long!!

Re: But you haven't done enough BEGGING like LEFOF

Neither have you Long Ears.

It's toooooo late to COVER UP the FAKE ELECTION and the FRAUD you have TRIED to perpetrate upon this forum and tried to FOOL numerous people all over cyber space into believing that there is such a thing
as a CCO with your long ears and with a hee-haw here and hee-haw there.

"See my long ears, I Long-eared President Father of Fools" proclaim heee-haw.

See my articles of tom-foolery? They written on my *********.

I, Long-eared President Father of Fools am monkey-see-monkey-do imitating the old way, trying to fill Steve Wiedersberg's big shoes.

Take off that monkey suit so we can see the real you, donkey-boy.

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Replying to:


You are quite correct in your analysis...but you haven't done any of that, have you?

You haven't written or published any rules of any organization.

You haven't held an election.

You haven't asked cabdrivers to endorse you.

You haven't a record of votes or membership.

If you did, I'm sure that George Lutfallah and others would give you an equitable amount of respect or coverage to your regularly democratic, verifiable record of organized results.

There wouldn't ever be 10,000 "Presidents". I don't think there would ever even be 10,000 Registered-Members, for that matter.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

define what you believe as "legitimate". the voting process? the monitoring process? the counting process? the approval of articles process? (by one person)

by this measure, all we cabdrivers in chicago could 1. call an election 2. approve our own articles 3. set up an election in a drivr restaurant 4. shanghai drivers to 'vote' for us in our election 5. monitor our own election all day 6. count our own votes at the end of the day AND 7: !!! declare ourselves president of our VERY OWN L

would the dispatcher and george lutfallah then recognize all of us as presidents? what a beautiful day that would be! we could all call each other mr. president all day long!!

Re: Drivers Robbed at Gunpoint

i feel very sorry about your resteraunt getting robbed. You were very brave to run and leave all your customers there. YOU ARE A TRUE HERO!

Re: Re: Drivers Robbed at Gunpoint

You should have had a might piece to blow the monkeys away.

Join NRA. Act like an real AMerican, get a G U N.

(But do not google McD's and USPS offixe locations!)

You have a right to bare arms, and wear long-sleeve too.

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Replying to:

i feel very sorry about your resteraunt getting robbed. You were very brave to run and leave all your customers there. YOU ARE A TRUE HERO!

Re: Re: Re: Driver Robots with Guns pointed

They are coming.

England is experimenting with robot cabs and (yes!) robot cops.

George Orwell is turning in his grave.

If these lines of experimentation should cross we are going to be in a rider for our lives!

Foulks wants cameras everywhere!

A better camera is needed in this case. Foulks has a plan to solve crime, and he is the president of the CCO.

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Replying to:

They are coming.

England is experimenting with robot cabs and (yes!) robot cops.

George Orwell is turning in his grave.

If these lines of experimentation should cross we are going to be in a rider for our lives!

Re: Fool wants cameras everywhere!

Yes, it is called the annal camera, for people like da foo who don't if he's coming or going.

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Replying to:

A better camera is needed in this case. Foulks has a plan to solve crime, and he is the president of the CCO.

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Replying to:

They are coming.

England is experimenting with robot cabs and (yes!) robot cops.

George Orwell is turning in his grave.

If these lines of experimentation should cross we are going to be in a rider for our lives!

Re: Re: Re: Drivers Robbed at Gunpoint

if you're slightly dyslexic get a GNU

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Replying to:

You should have had a might piece to blow the monkeys away.

Join NRA. Act like an real AMerican, get a G U N.

(But do not google McD's and USPS offixe locations!)

You have a right to bare arms, and wear long-sleeve too.

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Replying to:

i feel very sorry about your resteraunt getting robbed. You were very brave to run and leave all your customers there. YOU ARE A TRUE HERO!