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Battery NGTF

Hi I recently purchased an NGTF ,The battery however needs replacing and being narrower than most i have not been able (as yet)to get one off the shelf.Can anybody tell who supplies or where i can buy one.

Thanks in advance

Re: Battery NGTF

Hi Neil, Where are you based? Why not join the club? its only £15 per annum and I am sure there will be other owners locally to you that know good local suppliers. Don't forget the owners national rally next year which is a great weekend. Joining information and national rally infomation is on the website.



Re: Battery NGTF

You might try the "Battery Guys" web-site haven't used them myself but they do seem to have a lot of good reviews. As an alternative SC Parts of Crawley can get batteries specially made for MGBs but these are a tad expensive.

My TA has an under the bonnet mounted battery which is quite narrow; it is an off-the-shelf Halfords Battery (HB 015) 300 AMP/HR cold start rating, which maybe a little low; but this is the problem if space is tight.
The starting/general battery power is linked to the physical size of the "beast".

Good Luck