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Re: v8 cooling system

Hi Malc,

Being reasonably new to V8s my knowledege is a bit limited but I will try and help.

It sounds like you have a reasonably typical system. The top hose is normally the highest point in the system so is a good filling point. As water will expand but will not compress it needs to go somewhere, hence the expansion tank. Just remember that water is the cooling agent so the system needs to be full of water and without air. Sorry if this is like teaching you to suck eggs.

Why not join the club as there are quite a few members that run V8s and have better knowledge than me. We are a friendly inclusive group of enthusiastic owners. Its only £15 per annum (less than a bottle of good polish or 3 gallons of petrol). Where are you based? I am sure there will be a few members in your area that the club could connect you with. As a member you would be welcome to attend the annual members rally at Stratford next July which is a great weekend.

If you could supply a few details about your car(via email is best and private) then I could add these to the database (strictly club use only) of cars we are trying to put together.

There is information on how to join on a link from the front page.