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Re: TA on Ebay

Thanks for the update, £1100 is more than I would want to pay for a project with little hope of road use at the end of it.

I am looking for a project TA or maybe TC for taking part in MCC (Classic Reliability Trials) but these cars have to be road legal so a rough cheapish (correctly) pre-registered NG is needed.

Anyone in the NGOC ever tried MCC Events e.g. Lands End or Exeter Trials?

Thanks Again RG.

Re: TA on Ebay

Hi Rob, It had crossed my mind that a properly set-up TA would make a good basis for motorsport usage in classic trials as you have suggested. Once my build is complete I may look for a cheap TA that I can prepare for PCTs(production car trials) and perhaps the occassional Autosolo. I have seen Marlins compete in these events quite successfully so can't see why a TA couldn't compete successfully as well. There are plenty of good modern engines available that would fit the bill, something like the 2.0litre V6 Rover or a honda engine. keep up the good work in the south east. Regards Paul

Re: TA on Ebay

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the support regarding the SE Area.

The other kit car that does very well in the MCC Trials is the Liege.
This is a very light GRP Kit car that is powered by either a 1 litre Suzki or Reliant Robin/Kitten 850cc engine, so I am wondering if a TA with a cut down body tub and 1275cc Midget engine would work (prehaps mated to Marina running gear).
Also as the Marina TA's are generally not as popular within the NGOC, if this might be a cheaper option for a starting point.

Regards Rob