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Battery Isolator


I was wondering about the value of the battery isolator switch. Is it an SVA requirement as I can find no reference to it in the SVA handbook. Maybe its a convenience thing? Do any of you ever switch it. New cars don't have them, and it seems like an unnecessary complication and cost to the build.

Comments would be most welcome..

Re: Battery Isolator

Hello Mick,

The battery isolator was an Enhanced SVA requirement when my car was tested.

I use it all the time and don't find it a nuisance. (Except the time when a rucksack knocked it off by mistake when loading the car for a return journey.)

It gives me a better feeling of security as the ignition switch is too easy to hot wire.

Kind regards,

Re: Battery Isolator

Hi Mick,

The fitting of a battery isolator switch is not an sva requirement, what it does though is provide a very simple but very efficient anti theft device that meets the sva requirements, If you are thinking of fitting one, I suggest you use one with alternator protection incorporated in it.

Re: Battery Isolator

Thanks guys,

I was thinking about an immobiliser/alarm. Might be worth having both. Mark, what does the alternator protection do?


Re: Re: Battery Isolator

I have a battery isolator, good for security.
The location of mine is not easy to see but easy for me to reach.
Also helps when car is left for, sometimes, months at a time without use, so helps stop battery drain.


Re: Re: Re: Battery Isolator

A out of sight battery isolator switch is a VERY good idea. As noted it provides your basic security and you should fit one that has a removeable key. Some also have the facility of a continual live feed (that should still be fused) to power up alarms or anything that you require to be left powered up such as modern coded radio's.
Such a switch should never be used to "turn off" the vehicle as it will damage the diodes in the alternator.

Re: Battery Isolator

Thanks all, general suggestion is that it's a good idea then :)