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My Soul Togetherness 2000 CD has grown legs, so I am after buying a replacement.. Does anyone have one they are willing to sell me?

Where U @: Work

Re: Wanted...

Claire,theres one on ebay.Current price is 4.99 although with 4 days still to go it could rise.Heres the link.....

Re: Wanted...

Thanks a lot Mark. I will start bidding.. Wish me luck !

Where U @: THE LOFT

Re: Wanted...

Mmmmmmmmm Claire ? {hope this is the rigth one}
I have the said cd in my box and if you want i can do acopy for you for the cost of a hug {i do hope this is the right Claire }

Re: Wanted...

mmmmmm the man that knows... or does he??
Ginger Tony copied that CD for me, but thank you anyway. I would really like to get my hands on an original, so will have to keep on looking!
There is only one Claire !!!
Who is this anyway??

Where U @: Work

Re: Wanted...

come on you, whats up with a quick trip to crazy beats mmmmm? top dollar, nuff said. .....0nly joking!! who in your life is the only one that wants to hug you all the time and never gets to see you anymore

Re: Wanted...

To the man that knows....
well, doh, of course I have been to Crazy Beat!!! Gary/Julie are keeping a look out for it for me...
How would I know who you are as there a SOOOO many people out there that want to hug me..........

Where U @: Work

Re: Wanted...

I'd just like to point out that it wasn't me who copied the aforementioned CD. It was someone who looked like me! Paul Scholes, yes that's the one! Paul Scholes did it, not me.
I don't condone the copying or lending of CDs as it's very naughty and those that do deserve a smack on their bare legs or being sent to bed with no blancmange!!!

Re: Wanted...

I want a hug,and you ginger tony young man get into the corner NOW!!!!!!

Where U @: soulville hq

Re: Wanted...

I got my hug, mmmmmm nice and your right, there is only one Claire. Shep you lucky sod Nice to see you both again, hope its not so long until the next time