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Little Miss Jocelyn

Has anyone seen the new comedy series on BBC3 called "Little Miss Jocelyn". IMHO it's one of the funniest new comedy sketch shows I have seen in some time. Jocelyn Jee Esien certainly gives well established female comics such as Dawn French and Victoria Wood a run for their money. Must sees are the Traffic Warden and Bus driver sketches, which had me crying with laughter. For more info check out the website

Where U @:

Re: Little Miss Jocelyn

Eddy your not her agent are you .I am sorry I thought it was tack,but your right about Dawn french etc , they have not been funny for years.I have to say i,m a big fan of the old british stand up likeCharlie williams{gone},Ken dodd ,bernard manning ,Billy Connoly, etc etc and the list could go on.

Re: Little Miss Jocelyn

I thought it was tack as well.
Don't think that there has been any comedy on tv worth talking about of late. Yeh ok Little Britain is funny but even though they now have a film deal, i think that it's had its day now (overkill).
Funny one minute, boring the next. Remember Harry Enfield, where's he now ?

Re: Little Miss Jocelyn

he,s got loadsa money!!!!!!!!!

Where U @: soulville hq

Re: Little Miss Jocelyn

Loadsa money - Yes, Loadsa hair - No .

Thanks Guys for contributing to the discussion. Like music Comedy is about personal taste, so it's no bad thing that we see things from a different perspective. I do agree that on the whole Comedy has hasn't retained the quality of past generations of comedians. Bring back Music Hall satire I say (I say, I say)

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