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A BIG thank you

Hi everyone,

I would like say a BIG thank you to everybody who came to my aid at Caister on Saturday night when I fainted following a nose bleed and a headache.

The fainting was almost certainly due to my becoming overheated as a result of too much dancing in a busy “T” zone and not drinking enough water. I was out cold for about a minute with my Girlfriend Tina holding my head up whilst trying to attract help. Thankfully a very kind Girl with long curly hair saw what happened and rushed outside to get the doorman to contact reception to arrange an ambulance. The eventual outcome was that I was taken to the nearby James Padgett Hospital where a series of tests were done (purely as a precaution due to a combination of the 3 symptoms plus a low blood pressure reading) and I got discharged three hours later.

Unfortunately amidst all the panic Tina didn’t manage to get a good look at the Girl who helped out, so we couldn’t thank her properly the next day (whoever you are , we are extremely grateful and would like to thank you personally and buy you a drink at the next Caister). I would also like to thank Shaun from the Caister Security team who looked after me superbly, making sure that I got through the club and into the Ambulance with the minimum of fuss. Even Brian Rix seemed really concerned (I was very embarrassed at having caused so much disruption) and not forgetting my good friend and Dad Pete Collins who was so pleased to see me back in the main room on the dance floor the next day.

Now to the happier bits.

Tina and I really enjoyed the weekend having witnessed some superb sets from all the DJ’s, especially Pete Collins, Gary Dennis, Chris Alexander, Maggot, Tom Holland and of course Chris Hill (loved the Chalet Song revival). Also meeting up with lots of friends including Froggy, Frostie, Carol (top Northern Bird) and the QE2 Girls.

Most of all the last word of thanks goes out to Pete Collins who unselfishly let me have a 40 minute time slot on his Saturday morning show on Caister Radio (thanks Dave Burton). I felt very honoured and was smiling almost as much as Pete was in the main room at 10pm the previous evening. Thank you once again Pete my friend, you are a true Gentleman and deserve all the recognition you’re getting.

Looking forward to the next one in May (already getting withdrawal symptoms).

Where U @:

Re: A BIG thank you

I do not know you but I was also at Caister this weekend and I am really glad you are ok.

It just goes to show that over the last 27 years perhaps the Caister people still know how to care,share and have a good time.

Take care and keep the Faith

see you in May.

Where U @: Crawley

NIK NAME The Stacker

Re: A BIG thank you

Hi Tony and thanks for the kind words. Pleased to say I'm OK now and cant wait to do my next live show on Starpoint Radio this coming Monday night.

Kind regards


Where U @:


Hope you are okay...
Everybody I know who has met you has always called you the "The smile on the dial". Keep on doing....!

Re: A BIG thank you

Eddy why dont you put your original post on the caister website forum to find the person you are looking for, or have you already done that?

Re: A BIG thank you

Hiya Flip mate, how ya doin, so good to hear from you again. Thanks for the kind words. I met up with Mick Jackson at Caister who tells me your doing well on the artist promo front. Keep up the good work buddy .

Hiya Greg, thanks for the suggestion about the Caister forum. I did post the same message on there but as yet have not had any comeback.

Where U @: