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happy 50th martin

happy b/day me ol mucker......see you sat aprox 4.30pm....mmmmm...nice....

Re: happy 50th martin

Happy Birthday Martin,have a great week-end .

Where U @: soulville hq

Re: happy 50th martin

Happy 50th Birthday Mart.

Hope you have a fab day/weekend!

Re: happy 50th martin

Happy Birtday love Diamondxxxx

Re: happy 50th martin

Not so bad this side of the hill me ol' mate, that lives on the map over there. You never know you might get to see Sean and myself more offen now that your on the same side as us! Sorry mate, there had to be a down side Best Wishes, see you tomorrow. R"tr" and Mrs R"tr"

Re: happy 50th martin

Happy Birthday Martin
Have fun !
LOL Claire & Shep

Where U @: Work

Re: happy 50th martin

saga will be in touch..............

Re: happy 50th martin

Happy Birthday Martin

Re: happy 50th martin

Happy B'day big boy

Where U @: THE LOFT

Re: happy 50th martin

How GOOD was that! everything came together as planned :venue,Dj's and friends old (and this was a big plus, seeing lots of my oldest mates who have drifted away from "our" music casting aside their zimmers and partying full on to house as well as the stuff they know)and more recent,to make it the real deal--full dancefloors from 9.30 onwards Rtr, Sean, GAH and Paul S I doff my cap in your direction. Mind you a major factor could have been the drink as much as you like for a tenner situation that the quaint licensing laws forced upon us Thanks everyone

Re: happy 50th martin

martin had a great time....go to a party come home with a pet [snooks ].... is was great to see friends old n new...heres to the next one......

Re: happy 50th martin

Would you adam'n'eve it!!????? got home, and found your card on the coffee table, with me change of shirt that also got left behind. mmmmmmm???? no wonder i did'nt get a/any pussie

Re: happy 50th martin

Oops I missed this thread! Appy Burfdee me ole mucker x