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keiran and the stargazing adventure!

it was a dark and cold winters night.

all were asleep in the small scottish city of Dundee, dreaming dreams of a simple and innocent nature, not a one amongst these blissful dreamers was aware of the battle raging on the outskirts of town.

but this was not a battle of a conventional sense, no, this was a battle against that which no person can defeat, this was a battle against time itself!

the engine roared, a glance out of the window told keiran that it was near hopeless but still he drove on, the same litany playing through his head over and over 'just a little faster, you can make it'

another glance out of the window, they were closing fast. narrowly avoiding a deer keiran cursed 'slow down, easy, you WILL make it' yet another glance out the car window made that hard to believe. they were almost on it now.

finally keiran saw the turn he was looking for, slamming on the brakes and throwing the car around the tight bend he allowed himself a small smile of triumph "yes!" he exclaimed, "i WILL make it!"

it was time to slow down, the road ahead was a honeycomb of potholes waiting to smash the low bumper of the red sports car, steering the car gently now he glanced for a final time out of the window, only to find that there were but moments to spare.

"heres fine" he said to no one in particular, swinging the car into the side of the road he prepared to greet the cold face on.

keiran sprang from the car like fury unleashed, opening the rear door he carefully but quickly pulled out the priceless telescope, setting it up took only moments, and again he felt a surge of triumph only now it was laced with a fine edge of anticipation.

removing the lenscover from the telescope he looked up in prepartion of aiming the scope. "sugar" he said (or something less sweet) "I didnt make it".

and as keiran gazed into those clouds covering the moon and stars, those clouds that had seemed to come in so slowly but so inevitably, he realised that the evil weather forecaster guy had been right, he never did have a chance on this fateful night.

but then keiran saw something almost as good! he saw Dundee, and found that through the telescope he could see really cool things like the multis and the wind turbines!

and the only thing going through keirans head as he reaped the rewards for his efforts were the words 'never give up' because keiran had learned that even when things seem hopeless, and even when you think that you have lost, there are still things around to enjoy, and that keiran would always win, even just a small unforseen and private victory, if he could just stay positive, and try his best.

the end.

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

can anyone else turn a really mundane event into an exciting story?

or add a chapter 2 to keirans adventures??

give it a go!

K-Doggy dog dog

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

Sandra paced round the room, a worried expression fixed on her pale concerned face. 'What if he doesn't make it back?' she cried! 'What if he falls to the ground?' she whispered! What if he never comes back home?' she wept! 'What if....?' she sighed! She reached for the tranquillisers and swiftly swallowed way too many!
It was too much to bear. There was too much at stake. All night long Sandra paced totally frantic with worry and concern until at last...the long awaited message appeared on the web site!
The telescope was safe.......

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

There wasn't a sound to be heard. Not a star in the sky. No man or beast in sight. The little light that was left provided a mere glimmer through the dense forage surrounding me. It was perfect.

Cautiously, i edged onwards. The ground was solid from the biting frost that was so quickly setting in. I felt no cold, no pain.

I was so near. As my heart began to race it became harder to keep my wits about me. It was vital i was careful. I could so easily ruin it all. I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't.

I froze. My whole body tensed. My senses heightened. After an eternity, i took a step forwards. Again. A noise. Drawing nearer, closer. My plan, foiled. No time.

I ran.

Faster and faster, i pushed and i pushed unaware of any noise except the throbbing in my head as my heart felt like it would explode. On and on until the trees and my surroundings merged into a blur. Until i reached the forest edge. Until i saw an escape. A road, a fence. I leapt.




Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

This is my hope for the forest fires currently rampaging across australia.

" Once upon a time, a small koala bear lived in a vast forest.
One hot day, a terrible fire erupted and the flames devoured many trees and animals living in the forrest. Many animals died, and those that could
flew high into the sky and far away to safety,
But not this little creature, the koala bear couldn't bear to leave the forest and let it burn - this was home, this was life and hope.

So day and night, the koala bear summoned all its strength and made the journey back and forth to a small flowing spring, filling its tiny mouth with water to spray on the raging fires. This rare heart of courage and determination moved God to intervene, and a great rain poured down upon the forest, extinguishing the flames.
And to reward the little hero for such courage, a human stranger was sent to the rescue and bandaged its poor burnt out paws.

And so the moral of the story is....even the smallest actions of a determined spirit can change the world.

Never, ever give up, even when everything around you seems insurmountable - it is the many small actions of kind and spirited people that make a difference.

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

she walked along the road, obliviouse of the cold. she was happy, she felt good, it felt like a good day.

she was on her way back from trying to haggle cheaper art from the man in the shop to no avail, but it was funny and it hightened her mood and her hunger even more. she headed to a food shop close to work.

standing there waiting to pay, she felt the cold draft as the door opened wash over her making her turn. her eyes travelled straight into the path of a pair of equally surprised eyes. as he looked into her eyes for those few seconds she saw him, he saw her. she saw herself. she saw the same feeling that maybe, just maybe, if they feel the same, maybe love at first sight is real.

then they both looked away.

did he feel it to? was she being silly? he kept taking small looks at her, she knew because she was looking at him too. was he just looking cause she was wearing a short dress? but no, wait, he was looking at her face, at her eyes. she couldn't meet them again, to do so would be taking the first step to the beginning of the end.

he was done in the shop. she watched him turn and go, 'please look just once more and i'll know and will act' she furiously tried to tell let him know. he opened the door and was gone without another look. she wanted to follow him, to run after him and at least ask him his name, this stranger with the same eyes. but she couldn't.

was it just her imagination? was her mind playing tricks on her? she's always longed for true love, for the other half of her, to meet a man so in love he'd do anything to be with her.

was it fear? was she too scared to know the truth? is that why she never ran after him? what if he did feel the same? she couldn't think like that, it couldn't be, she'd made her bed and had to keep lying in it.

what if he hadn't felt what she felt from looking at him? what if he did and he didn't talk to her cause he was scared she hadn't felt it? has she been constantly on his mind since then as he has hers?

whatever he thought, they both did nothing. she didn't listen to herself and now she'll never know. she will most likely never meet those beautiful, loving brown eyes again. and if she does, what then? has she learned her lesson to listen?

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

It was cos u had a short dress on lol

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

lol katy are you the dear from my story?

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

PS that koala bear is a legend!

and jerri you should write romence novels for middle aged single women lol

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

of course i am the deer! I thought it was only jerri that didn't know that!

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

well katy, if he was looking because i had a dress on...can you really blame him? lol

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

I can't blame him - he had clearly left his guide dog at home! Lol

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

ouch very clever but ouch

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

Lol i know but in my defence it is actually ur fault im so cheeky and as i seem to remember u are rather proud of it lol

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

It was a cold winter’s day. The city was covered by a blanket of snow and there wasn’t a car in sight. That is except for THE car – the king of the road. Four VIPs and Shaun had braved the elements, they laughed in the face of snow. Shaun was on his way home. It was a treacherous journey, with innocent passers by being hit by snowballs from the elite few in the car. Not many dared to mess, they were not so foolish. They would be destroyed.

Minutes later, destination Shaun’s house – achieved. But this was only a small part of their mission. The best was yet to come. As Shaun innocently waved goodbye, he made one crucial mistake – he turned his back. In a flash, Katy, Jerri and Keiran attacked. Shaun was caught off guard and the first few snowballs were theirs to throw. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh – the sound of them flying over Shaun’s head, blast, we forgot he was so small. A minor glitch in the plan. Not to worry, he was outnumbered three to one.

Katy found her place behind a car, the intelligent one. From here she had cover and snow from the car to launch. Jerri and Keiran, the reckless but brave ones, charged. The panic was obvious in Shaun’s eyes, his hat skew whiff over his eyes, his arms flailing, feet sliding. We were advancing all the time, closer and closer to our target. The smell of victory was in the air, almost overpowered by the smell of Shaun’s fear.

At last, the target was reached. Jerri launched at Shaun with a block of snow. NOOOOOOOOO!!! Was the echo as the snow crashed down over Shaun’s head. “Quick, fill his hat with snow!” yelled Katy. Shaun tried to escape. He grabbed his bag as he attempted to pivot on the steep embankment. This – his final mistake. As Shaun fell to the floor, crumpled in hopelessness, the cry of “Bero!!!” filled the air. As if in slow motion, Keiran and Jerri bolted towards him. As he lay, the realisation hit that he was theirs. As the snow fell over, Jerri and Keiran revelled in the glory as they kicked and threw mountains of snow on him. Shaun was gone.

“RUN!” Came the cry as we ran back to the car, although there was little need. Shaun was helpless, defeated, bero’d. As we began to pull away in the supreme car, we pointed and laughed as Shaun attempted to regain the dignity he had just lost. Mission complete. The simultaneous click of red bull cans opened filled the car, the radio blasted, the victors drove on.

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

I witnessed a miracle today...probably not for the first time - but today was the day it dawned on me.
Tears strolling down their faces, two parents witnessed the birth of their child. I witnessed a miracle.
I witnessed two tiny expanding lungs, I witnessed a very first breath.

It was, perhaps...a little gory - cesarean sections can look pretty brutal! but something truly incredible and inspiring. Little miracles happen everyday guys…nothing ‘super natural’ no ‘divine intervention’ - just an ordinary event, a precious miracle .

My day is made!

Re: keiran and the stargazing adventure!

EWWWWWWW!!!!!!! lol