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a name?

all these posts about peoples cars and their names!

got me feeling kinda bad cause my poor car doesnt have one! (well i refer to it as the beast or the slayer(as in scooby slayer))

so i wondered if anyone had any ideas? copy and paste this


and youl see a pic of the same kind

also whats the daftest name youv ever given to an inaminate object??

Re: a name?

i think you should call it robin.
as to daft names...well there were the names i gave my children but they are not inanimate objects are they?
i once had a hat called charlie

Re: a name?

the destroyer

or dave

Re: a name?

i think you should call it jimmy or boab.

i call my giant head the watson head, does that count since its an inaminate object?

Re: a name?

oh teah, laurie i think you chose very good names for your children, whomever they are

Re: a name?

I once named my best friends car the 'lugzbug' - i think it may now be classed as bullying though - but people used to say he had big ears...and he was the first to learn to drive...so the lugz bug was actually pretty valuable!
Oh...and people tend to buy me 'pot plants' quite alot - they all have to have a name...latest one was call corneilus...but i know i need help! ",
One other friend once said to me he'd named his p.c. - it wasn't working - so he nicknamed it..." pieceooooshi**" you can guess the rest...i dont want to get in trouble!