18u Message Board

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18u Message Board
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Devise A Plot

This one is about devising a plot. Somebody starts it off with a one liner about anything and then the next person posts a second line and so on until we have our very own message board plot!

“A shady looking group (eg Katy, Jerri, Keiran Shaun, Susan, Irene, Sandra etc!), are in the office at Eighteen And Under late one night”

Re: Devise A Plot

"Suddenly they heard a loud noise coming from the lift shaft"

Re: Devise A Plot

At first they thought it was a pesky pigeon trapped once again but alas, it was not

Re: Devise A Plot

They all crept closer slowly pushing Shaun ahead of them when they suddenly saw.....

Re: Devise A Plot

a bottle of coke! and holding the bottle of coke . . .

Re: Devise A Plot

was laurie, with a manic look in her eyes and a packet of mentos in her hand, so our gallant hero's said . . .

Re: Devise A Plot

run like the wind and don't look back! but before they could run ..

Re: Devise A Plot

they had to undo the gigantic knot that irene had tied in their shoe laces! and as they all stumbled and pushed and pulled and generally never helped eachother at all! laurie turned to irene and said . . .

Re: Devise A Plot

"one day oh small one, one day", meanwhile after jerri had gnawed the shoelaces apart with her razor sharp teeth, shaun suddenly realised ...

(ps don't tell irene i called her small, it would be worse if i called her old but she's a bit touchy about height too! lol)

Re: Devise A Plot

'I've got a pair of scissors in my pocket....some rope, a truncheon, two white rabbits, several hundred colourful silk hankies tied together, Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee and a small automatic pistol! Irene, Laurie - stick em up!'

Irene laughed that familiar high pitched, sinister laugh and said...