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sandra is letting the country down

well folks, i have a sad tale to tell here. we have guests staying who are from other countries. one is from down under...the land of oz and the other is from england...well she says she's really welsh!
anyway, they arrived and we had a few drinks before bed.
the next day, sandra was ill. she was sick the whole day. every one else was fine. clearly sandra drank too much. we went to show off our beautiful country and sad to tell...sandra was sick at loch earn, lochearnhead, crieff and all over scotland.
can you believe it?

Re: sandra is letting the country down

This is Mel, Sandra's Aussie mate - and i must say I am very dissapointed that she has let the scots down so badly - here I was thinking the scots could hold their drink - what's she like?! I will however have many fond memories of your fine country including sandra hurling all over it!

Re: sandra is letting the country down

Ok.......I have learned a lesson. I should NOT EVER drink alcohol again!!!!! I hurled, as Mel said, throughout Scotland in the open road. As there were four of us in the car, Im only glad that I told the driver to stop at very beautiful spopts so she could get out and take photos of our landscape!!! I thought that was more considerate than throwing up on her neck!!!!! What do you think???

Re: sandra is letting the country down

Haha. Oh Sandra, what you like? I didn't know you were a lightweight.

Like you said though, at least you picked pretty spots to throw up. Lol

Re: sandra is letting the country down

SWINE FLU!!!!!!! lol

Re: sandra is letting the country down

well just to report that sandra was still not well today. we showed our guests round the glens, kirri, the law and st and they were very impressed. they are not impressed though that sandra cannot hold her drink at all. sandra has learned though and has stopped drinking completely....until the next time!

Re: sandra is letting the country down


Can I please point out that this post is about Sandra H and NOT Sandra Mac. I was asked in a school about this and did not have a clue!! I must say well done to her though! Teach you a lesson about the DEMON DRINK!!

Re: sandra is letting the country down

It was Sandra H. sorry other Sandra. i know you would never touch that very unhealthy stuff. I hope all the young people who read this sad tale learn that alcohol is definately not good for you! Cigarettes are bad too and that is why Sandra H. has a bad cough and all the rest of us are very healthy.

Re: sandra is letting the country down

well can i just say that all the young ones dont ddrink or smoke that muchh haha