18u Message Board

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We will respect your confidentiality unless we we are told about a serious crime or any child at risk Then we might have to talk to someone about it to get help.

18u Message Board
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Well it is awfully quiet in here - anybody out there? If so remember who have our fundraiser week coming up from the 22nd-29th august. Anyone interested in helping out or sponsoring anyone then please get in touch. And as always, feel free to drop in to the office. Catch y'all later :)

Re: Helloooooooooo?

I'm here Katy you'll be glad to know. The fundraiser week should be a huge success and it's great that so many people are wanting to be involved. Let's hope Eighteen And Under can raise lots of dosh :)

Re: Helloooooooooo?

I'm here! lol. I thought it was the 19th - 29th August?xx

Re: Helloooooooooo?

lol jerri is quite correct, it is the 19 - 29th augaust,

rather confusingly its a ten day fundraising week! lol

Re: Helloooooooooo?

I'm only promotions - what would i know