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switzerland, de arrive!

Ok so the journey went well, no problems other than having to bin my expensive hair gel at security! Lol which is minor compared to my usual problems!
So in summary I had an uneventful drive to Manchester, parked no problem, an uneventful flight to geneva, and then I even got a not too bad rental car! Driving to the hotel was fine, no problems with the roads either, BUT THEN! > >
I found my hotel, which at first I didn’t think was mine, it looked too good! But my hotel it was, it also had a big gate blocking the car park!
Not to worry, thought I, there is a computer type thing beside it that SURELY will let me in, only one small problem, couldn’t understand a bloody word on the screen!
So I stood for twenty ish minutes punching random buttons until with an alarming alarm type noise it spits out a plastic hotel room key. Great! Il just swipe it in the . . er, where do I swipe it? There is only a numerical keypad, ‘must be magnetic’ I thought, and started waving it around at the gate, (2 proppa scary guys walked past me at this point) anyway im thinking, ‘why don’t they have bloody English instructions anywhere’ when an old and therefore not scary guy pulls up next to my car.
So I ask him how on earth I get in, and he says – ‘just put in ze code eet gave you’ I then proceeded to tell this nice guy that I would if I could read it, he asks to see my hotel key, I show him and he points at the large numbers written below the large English ‘car park code’ and reads them for me one by one! Ye.
So anyway I got into the hotel and it turns out its like chocolate lacquers, nice on the outside, smelly and yucky on the inside lol!
To explain – what with us being a charity I thought I should take a cheap cheap hotel, and this one is the second cheapest I could find, a week for £180, well theres a reason for that! I actually feel like sleeping in the car, its cleaner and probably a lot safer lol!
Anyway its for a good cause, now im gonna visit the vending machine cause im starving! Will give ya’all day 1 tomoro after the VPA 4th milestones meeting.

Kdog the wanderer

PS – I wonder how bad the number one cheap hotel is?? lol

Re: switzerland, de arrive!

Lmao it would happen to you Keiran! May i just add that this week Kerian majorly took the mickey mouse at me for turning the key the wrong way in the front door at the office and therefore concluding i couldnt get in! Major blonde moment for you Keiran! I would sleep in your car, I've heard there are cockroaches and zombies in that hotel in Switzerland! Lol enjoy your meeting :) x

Re: switzerland, de arrive!

Lol. Keiran you mentalist!

We had a door moment in here too...

I came up stairs from getting fresh air to see Irene, Katy and Shaun standing outside the shut Law room door. I asked what was going on and was told with a smile that the door handle had fallen off inside the Law room and nobody could get in and Shaun was away to kick the door in!
Needless to say, a lot of jokes about this matter came out my mouth following this info. Then we all stood back to watch as Shaun gave a MASSIVE KICK...and nothing happened. Three more carefully placed kicks followed with the same nothing result.
I, needing to go but wanting to see how it turned out asked to see what was wrong with the door. I had a look and asked if they had tried using a screwdriver? Shaun picked up a screwdriver, put it in and gave it a wiggle and it just turned right around. "Silly Shaun," i said, "your screwdriver is too small". I walked up, picked up the other, bigger screwdriver put it in and the door opened! A lot of bounding laughter then echoed throughout the office and i gave a mighty "WHOHA!" (Then i quietly apologised to Shaun for making him look very unmanly)

WHOHA, I'm da man!!!! lol

Re: switzerland, de arrive!

yess jerri you arre Da Man haha:L:L:L

Re: switzerland, de arrive!

lmao those doors are solid! he is mental, i cant believe kicking in the door was the best they could come up with anyway lol