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swiss/italy day 3/1

Today was much more fun! No meetings to go to, just me, my rental car, European roads stretching in all directions, and the office credit card! (lol the last bit is a joke of course)

So I checked out of my rubbish hotel and decided to head for Italy, all I will say on the drive is that it was really good except for the blooming toll charges! If you want to turn off the highway for any reason, such as stopping for food, you have to pay!
And if your annoying sat nav is not clear enough and you accidently turn the wrong way, you have to pay!!

Anyway other than that it was ace, the road I took took me through the swiss alps, and OMG they are out of this world, the first really large one I saw just humbled me completely, normally when I look at mountains I consider climbing them but I just looked at these monsters and thought that I just couldn’t (which is a first), no wonder the ancients thought that the gods resided at the top, its really believable. (also it was quite cool at times because you went through tunnels dug straight through these mountains, one of them was about 4km long!

And so after a while I left the alps behind and entered Italy, and I discovered an incredible insight in to these strange people that stay here/there, firstly, that the men all have huge noses (they really do!!) and secondly that Italians are completely incapable of staying in a highway lane, for some reason they sit 3quarters in the right hand lane and 1quarter in the left, bloody irritating! But if you just zoom towards them with your horn on they move lol.

Actually thats another thing I learned! That to survive on the roads here you have to drive super aggressively, which works for me!

Anyway halfway through Italy I finally decided on a point to aim for, Milan! Which is where I am now, and its quite a city! Shopping and fashion capital of Europe apparently, I hate fashion, and I detest shopping, but I do prefer this place to france! (I don’t like france AT ALL, although at least I can speak a few words there lol).

When I got here I parked the car in the city centre and went for a wander, it was er, an experience, its so busy here! Trams bikes cars pedestrians flying everywhere! And tiny little streets, but also some stunning architecture and my word the people here are gorgeous! The guys are all trimmed and buff (not big) and the girls, the girls! I fell in love so many times today lol! Seriously though all the people here look like and dress like models, even the elderly!

In fact so enraptured was I that I got completely lost (after a drink in an English pub which was actually quite English) but luckily I had written down where I parked so after talking to a couple of attractively hot young ladies they actually showed me all the way back to my car, how nice is that!? They were so friendly.

So I set off, found a nice hotel a couple of miles out of the centre, and here I am! In a nice room too!

Happy days.

Re: swiss/italy day 3/1


its just under 30 degrees here, i am melting!

Re: swiss/italy day 3/1

All right for some isn't it? Enjoy Milan and make sure and pick me up a nice designer bag, care off the office credit card obviously. It seems such a waste you being there and not appreciating fashion - i would kill to go to milan! Have fun x

Re: swiss/italy day 3/1

keep up the good work. i do hope you are spreading the message of violence is preventable across europe? hey someone has to do it! safe journey!

Re: swiss/italy day 3/1

of course i am! although to be fair they dont need it as badly as the uk, driving lessons would be better!

in fact best of all would be making parents put a seat belt on kids, it seems if someone is under 7 the appropriate place for them in a moving car is either standing in the back looking out the window, or standing in the front talking to the driver.

shocking to see.

Re: swiss/italy day 3/1

Awww look at you falling in love so much. I can actually imagine it after seeing what you were like in London when you fell in love with that woman.

Re: swiss/italy day 3/1

she was the ultimate!

going back to the corner . . . lol