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A Fond Farewell

Hi All,

As some may know we had to say a very sad farewell to our office companion, Chilli. She had suffered badly with her mouth and it was finally time to let her go.

Irene and I took her to the vet and although it was a very sad day for us both we knew it was the right thing to do for Chilli. We share the belief that although it may be very upsetting, it is not right to let an animal to suffer for human gain.

We all know Chilli will be missed. I will especially miss the cuddles in the morning (and through the day)and I'm sure Irene will miss chasing her round the office trying to get her back in her cage. It was always very funny to see Irene on her hands and knees on the blue room chasing Chilli.

So we goodbye to Chilli and I'll miss her terribly.


Re: A Fond Farewell

I have sent the story of Chilli to a Chinchilla rescue trust so they can use it to educate people. They are going to put her story on their site and asked for a picture of her too. She will be remembered! The sad thing for Chilli was that people who originally owner her did not know what was best for her. The clear message here is that no one should ever get an animal without finding out what they need.
I will miss seeing everyone watching where they stand and rushing to close the door when she was out. My best memory of her was the time she galloped down the corridor.
Well done to Susan and Irene for being the brave ones who took her to the vet.

Re: A Fond Farewell

R.I.P Chilli you will be sadly missed by myself and quite a few others :-( One thing to remember she has always been very well looked after and cared for by all her owners. She was even the subject of a "kidnapping" but due to the high security and care for her the attempt failed!!!

Well done Susan and Irene. When I passed on the news to a few service user's they said they agree with you "She should not suffer for our enjoyment"

Re: A Fond Farewell

i cant belive thiss
its such ashame xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Re: A Fond Farewell

Goodbye Chilly, may you have sand to roll in where ever you are now xx

Re: A Fond Farewell

What a shame about Chlli - pets are a big responsibility and it's always hard to make a decision to put them down - that's why I don't have any. So well done to Irene and Susan and goodbye to Cilli the Chinchilla. Laurie - I should change her website entry - can you send me something to put?

Re: A Fond Farewell

Oh god :( I am so sorry to hear about Chilli, so unfortunate that she had to go, but it was for the best, to end her suffering. Thinking of you all!

Chrissy xxx

Re: A Fond Farewell

I'm so sorry to hear Chilli, passed on , but at least you and Irene had the sense and courage to do the right thing. I hop Chilli is never forgot and always thought of fondly, she was so obviously very loved in the centre and will be missed dearly by all, she was quite a character about the whole moving cages though it made me chuckle quite a bit. shes in a better place now free of suffering or so i like to think. My thoughts are with you

Love Rose x