18u Message Board

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18u Message Board
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Im really scared,not sure what to do any more!!

hi guys,
im so not copeing with my life atm,just cant take much more of this really. i'll hate liveing at home,cuz im haveing bad thing's happer to me,and im scared to talk about its with any one,incase they dont belive me . i feel like i have no one to talk to in my life,

Re: Im really scared,not sure what to do any more!!

Hi there,

You don't have to take it anymore, perhaps we can help you sort this out? You can talk on here if you like or you can e mail me directly. Sometimes talking through a problem can help you work out what to do.
We will listen to you and will believe you. Bad things should not be happening to you. You do not say what is happening, and you don't have to if you don't want to, but it is okay to talk about it and get some help.
Is there anywhere else you can live? Are you in or near to Dundee? You can phone us on 01382 206222 or email me on lormac1053@aol.com

Re: Im really scared,not sure what to do any more!!

Hi Katy, my name is Katy too and it's even spelt the same way as mine! Sounds like things are pretty rubbish at the moment for you but Laurie's right, you don't have to put up with it. If you live in or near Dundee you could come in and see us or maybe one of us could meet you. Whatever's going on is not your fault and we can try to help you in whatever way is best for you. Let me know if there is anything i can do. Take care, Katy.