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18u Message Board
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Ghost writer available

Dear All –
My name is Linda and I am a writer based in Aberdeenshire. I am posting this message, with the full knowledge of the organisation, after some consideration and hope that no one finds it intrusive.
For the past few years, I have been a ghost writer – basically, I help others tell their stories, and hopefully get them published. I realise that some of you may have considered telling your story in book form but may not have known how to go about this. While I can make no promises, if this is something you would like to discuss, I am more than happy to go through the process with you and see whether it is something we could work on together. I am currently looking for someone who wishes to look into the possibility of writing, and publishing, a survivor memoir. I do not work with vanity publishing or self-publishing organisations; I work with a female literary agent who is very experienced and well thought of, and who only deals with reputable publishers. All of the books I have previously written have all been published by major houses such as Simon and Schuster, Random House, Harper Collins. At no point will you be asked to pay anything by me. You do not have to write anything – if the project works, it would simply involve telling me your story, and being guided as to what was appropriate for a book. Publishers tend to be more keen on memoir where the writer is willing to be identified, and where there has been a conviction, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that anyone who doesn’t fall into these categories is excluded – it just makes things a little harder. If you would like to contact me, in complete confidence, my number is 0797 226 2636 or you can email me on l.wb@stampless.co.uk. If you would rather send a message through Laurie, that’s absolutely fine.

With all best wishes - Linda