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Rome! day 3 AND 4!

Hey y’all, so here is what we got up to in the last couple of days, I cant put pics with it just now but will add in a post tonight

Day 3 –

We made it to Rome! After driving into Rome proper we spent some time looking for parking, after driving in and out of electronic control zones (which means il get a massive fine in the mail if they find me, which they will ;( ) we found a parking space.

As I got out of the car a very old man started waving and shouting at me, of course as he was shouting at me in Italian I decided it would be best to ignore him as he should be speaking English (lol) but that didn’t work as he just got louder, so I went over to see what he wanted.

As I got over to him I managed to figure out that he was telling me to drive in a disabled bay instead of the correct space where I was parked, so I ignored him again and went back to the car. A moment later he came wandering over and asked for a cigarette, at which point the Hutton laughed long and hard in this poor little mans face, which was funny/a shame.

After that little adventure we set out for the famous coliseum! Laurie thought that some little place that was in no way circular was it (pic to follow), but we I ignored her and a minute later we all arrived at the ACTUAL coliseum.

I decided upon seeing the crowds of tourists, and then noticing that the authorities had blocked off the view of the coliseum from the street, that I would not support this money scam and that there was no way I was paying the 4 euro entry fee, and I promptly went and sat on some steps whilst Laurie and Hutton went to be ripped off. About 5 minutes later they appeared and I learned that they had been faced with a 45 minute queue, or an extra 16 euro’s for fast entry, which we all ranted about (pic) before wandering off looking for free places. And we found this (picture to follow, let’s call it moses for now).

After that I decided Rome was boring and we hit the road again, en route we explored a little market then had some tasty posh lunch (bar Laurie, who had a plain salad and a bowl of chips, weird much?) before returning to the villa. A little while later I was bored again and decided to go and find some internet and guitar strings, this essentially meant setting out for what looked like a big ‘thing’ on the ol satnav then being given some dodgy directions (pic to follow) to a little town called anguilerre and from there to braccianno and then to the top of a hill where I got . . . guitar strings!!!! (pic) however im rubbish at tuning and so my little guitar sounds very ill, or maybe it always sounds like that? Who knows, point is as long as I don’t let Sandra sabotage it il have great fun!

On the way back from there I found a well dodge internet ‘place’ (see day 1/2) where I was able to post an update (see day 1/2).

I then spent the evening watching buffy series 7 (ha ha to you jerri!)

Day 4 –
On day four we did absolutely nout! It was republican day or some such which meant loads of parades etc but none of us could be bothered, it also meant all the shops were shut, pain! But it worked out ok as we just chilled all day then Sandra and I went for a big swim, 80 breast + 15 crawl for her and 100 breast + 15 crawl for me, well proud! We also had a swimming buddy in the shape of a red and brown frog, which Sandra at first thought was poo! Had me in stitches, unfortunately though didn’t have the camera with us, doh!

Thats all we did on day 4, its now day 5 but have been stuck in a boring who meeting all day, still have the dinner to come so il report on all of that later


Re: Rome! day 3 AND 4!

Sandra is so agressive isn't she!! lol can't wait for the pics :)

Re: Rome! day 3 AND 4!

auw it looks like your having a great time. and for that man asking for a cigarette what planet does he actually live on hahahaa .. xx

Re: Rome! day 3 AND 4!

pics -

laurie thinks she found the coleseum, can you see her? lol

laurie and i dissing the roman gov

this was meant to look like me brusing the coleseum off my shoulder, but it was too big, or maybe the camera should have been zoomed just a tad? hutton!

the free place (moses)

and finally, the dodge net place (entrance, stairway, my fear)

Re: Rome! day 3 AND 4!

That internet place looks well dodgy and the first photo is a bit like where's wally! lol