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should i?


I want to feel the relief he does as it goes into his vain
Ye, i really think im going to far, or going insane.

The urge is getting so much stronger
Keep asking, ill give in, i cant say no much longer.

I struggle to make it through everyday
I just want something to take the pain away.

Pains something i truly wont miss
I dont care if that makes me worthless.

I'm scared of whats to come, scared of my past
I want to hide, stay away, been broken so fast.

Ive tried covering my ears, so the question i wont hear
But i cant because when i look again its still near.

I want to have the feeling he has, not feeling so low
I want to have that hit, that blast, i want that go.

Should i just give it a try?
or keep hiding away to sit and cry?

Re: should i?

What a brilliant poem, it's so deep and gives a great understanding. But, i think it'd be madness to go down that road. While drugs will hide the pain and push it to the back of your mind, it won't take it away. The stronger, but harder, thing to do is to keep resisting. I'm afraid drugs won't help. You are strong. You can get through this. Talk to someone, talk to us? If you take a drug like heroin, it's a long hard road that will be worse than the pain. It will come with an addiction that not many people can beat. You might see people take it and look care free and happy, but that is not the reality. It does help to talk. Please give us a phone, our number is 0800 731 40 80. This number will not appear on a phone bill but is only free from a land line or pay phone. Our other number is 01382 206222. Also, you can email myself or any other worker. My email address is jezz2088@aol.com. And remember, we are a confidential service.
And well done for sharing with us and writing such a poem.
Take care and keep being as strong as you are,

Re: should i?

Hi there,
Thanks for sharing your poem. It was very honest and well-written. I agree with Jerri that going down the road of drugs will only give you more pain in the end. There are a number of people here that are more than willing to listen and talk if you would like. I encourage you to get in touch. Thanks again for sharing the poem. Take care

Re: should i?

I too like your poem its really good you have talent there. Drugs such as heroin is never the answer in dealing with life, you seem to be a smart strong person and it would be a shame for you to become another statistic. You have done the biggest step in opening up and letting someone know how you feel through that beautiful poem you did. As Jerri said we are confidential service you can phone us, pop in or even through this message board, its completely up to you. As i said earlier, seeing the poem i can see you have talent and it would be a shame to lose it through heroin, the saddest thing in life is a waste of talent.
Just so you know, we are here for you, just let us know if you ever need us.

all the best


Re: should i?

hey bud, love the poem its was very well written and really gives a snapshot into a serious dilemma

i think the other guys on here have already put what i would write so i wont bother repeating, what i would say is that by coming on here and putting up a poem like the one you have i think you already know you dont really want to try heroin, maybe your looking for someone to help talk you out of it?

i think by that alone its clear you dont REALLY want to and by doing so would just be giving in to pressure from others, you need to stand strong and do what you already know is right, or not do what you know is wrong lol!

if you need help to fortify your standing on this issue you can come and talk to us or check out these links

the youtube one has the most obvious soundtrack which is a bit lame, but it has good information in there too and i think portrays quite well the 'glamour' around heroin, the pictures are yuk

be warned people may find the links disturbing, if drug misuse is a sensitive issue to you then it may be better that you dont follow the links or only do so with a friend



Re: should i?

Hiya. My name is Katy and I work with Eighteen And Under. I love your poem. It sounds like you are looking for something to take what is going on for you away - a quick fix if you like. Unfortunately, there isn't such a thing, well not that I've come across anyway. But I promise you that drugs, in particular a drug such as heroin, will make things a million times worse. There's a battle of wills going on inside you and that really is one of the hardest kind of battles. I think if you can you should talk to someone. Sometimes getting a different point of view on things and hearing about all the different options you have and the help that is available can make a massive difference. You don't have to talk to any of us if you don't want to but please do try and talk to someone. And if talking is too hard it seems that you are a really good writer, maybe you could try writing things down to let someone read? I promise you that no one at Eighteen And Under will judge you but we will be there to listen and care and do whatever we can do to make your situation better. So many lifes are ruined by drugs and maybe you feel like your life is already ruined but it's far from it. You have your whole life ahead of you and a whole big world out there. You can be whoever you want to be. But you don't have to do it alone and everyone needs a little help along the way. I hope you manage to get in touch. My email address is Katy1211@hushmail.com. You take care of yourself. Katy.

Re: should i?

thanks for advice, i guess one is spot on, the one with youtube links i guess i know i shouldnt take it but then i dont want to keep saying no? and in a way i do want to try it but dont want people to judge/hate me or anything else! x

Re: should i?

problem is with heroin not many people just try it, noone sets out to be a drug addict but il bet most addicts 'tried it once' the first time.

and unfortunatelly people do quickly and harshly judge heavy dug users, the effects quickly become evident to people around you and after a little while are plain for everyone to see, heroin is an ugly drug that has destroyed 1000's of lives, id recommend steering well clear my friend

Re: should i?

At the end of the day the only person's judgement who really matters is how you judge yourself. As Keiran said, people don't just dabble in heroin and as I'm sure you are well aware you can die from just one hit. You're gambling with your life and your future. You're young and I understand you want to take risks and you maybe aren't particularly interested in consequences. But you posted saying should I so people are going to give their opinion and there isn't anyone on here who is going to say that it's ok to even try it once. You are the only one that can decide, you don't have to listen to us or anyone else but at the very least i think you should be making an informed choice. If this guy wasn't taking heroin would you be thinking about trying it? Whoever this guy is that is asking you and making you feel pressured into trying it, in my opinion, can't really care about you. He should be respecting your decision to say no. It takes guts to say no, especially if it's someone you care about but you have already said no before, there isn't anything to stop you saying it again.

Re: should i?

I agree totally with what the others said.
With such a hard drug like heroin, trying it will most likely hook you. I don't know anyone who has just tried it then never done it again. People might judge you or hate you. But a huge thing too is that you might lose people you care about. Is it worth the risk to you? Also, there is other risks that are physical. I know that people out there try all sorts of things and all sorts of drugs, but not heroin. It is one of the worst for addiction, but also how you feel afterward can be awful. I would hate to see another young person's life ruined over a drug. I'm sure you've walked down a street or through a city center and seen people who are out their faces on drugs, seen how they act, seen what they do and seen how people look at them. Is it worth the chances? Or worth the risk?
Take care

Re: should i?

Also, i would recommend you watch a film called The Basketball Diaries, It's got Leonardo DiCaprio in the film. It's a brilliant, hard hitting film about drug addiction and how this boy starts off with so much potential.
Anyway, just thought about that this morning and wanted to let you know.
Take care