18u Message Board

Welcome to our message board. If you need help,or just want to talk to someone you can leave a message here, but please don't give out any personal details (home addresses,telephone numbers).

We will respect your confidentiality unless we we are told about a serious crime or any child at risk Then we might have to talk to someone about it to get help.

18u Message Board
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help please

hi,my friend volunteer's at eighteen and under. im being abused and ive told my friend and when igo to her for support because she knows what im going its like she breaks down she was getting suppor but i think she needs someone because shes showing like shes moved on but she reallly hasnt. im just needing someone to talk to xxx

Re: help please

Hi. My name is Katy and I am a worker for Eighteen And Under. I'm sorry to hear about what's going on for you just now. If you would like to talk to someone then you can talk to me or another worker. My email address is Katy1211@hushmail.com, you can phone us on 01382 206222, you can drop in and see us at 1 Victoria Road, or you can receive some support through the message board. It's good you want to talk to someone as talking can make a big difference so well done for sharing this. Take care. Katy.

Re: help please

hiya katy yeah i just need someone to talk to my friend wants to help but me telling her everythign is just making it alot harder for her because she keeps having flashbacks and now i feel its my fault :( x

Re: help please

It's good your friend wants to help you but if she is finding it difficult it might be better if you could talk to me or another worker for both your sakes. It's definately not your fault though, it's not your friends fault either. If you want to drop me an email or give me a phone then feel free to. Take care. Katy

Re: help please

my friend says that it isnt my fault all the time my friend went to the police about it and now shes really taking it bad but yeah i think i will be give you an email because i just cant cope with it anymore and i think my friend needs help aswell

Re: help please

You need to concentrate on yourself just now. You can be there for your friend but your friend has to decide if they want help from one of us. You know where we are and you have contact details if you decide you want to talk to me or another worker. Take care of yourself. Katy.

Re: help please

yeah i know that but she has already had support from yous iknow i need to get myself sorted i just scaredincase she does something silly.

Re: help please

hey there, im keiran i also work at 18 and under.

i agree with katy i think you need to stop worrying about your friend, i think talking to someone from 18u might help and if you havent already then i defo suggest contacting a worker there

all the best


Re: help please

Hiya Keiran, yeah maybe i shouldnt be worrying about my friend but im just really scared i think she is going to do something stupid to herself.
when she come into volunteer and you's all think she fine well she really isnt she is hurting really really bad deep down.

Re: help please

i understand that but its not any of our business unless your friend decides to talk to us her/himself, its up to them and anything you say to us that is directly about them isnt really fair to that person, they have the right to keep things private from us ya?

we can talk to you and try to help with how you are feeling, but there is nothing we can do for your friend unless they choose to talk to us themself.

i know how it feels to be worried about a friend, but you cant help someone who doesnt want help, and you cant help anyone unless you have your own support network.

i think it would be a good idea for you to come and talk to someone, and you can suggest your friend does the same, if she/he goes directly to laurie or irene then they can sort out someone to support her/him without any other workers/volunteers finding out about it, alternatively there are other places she/he can get confidential support (although nowhere else is QUITE as good as 18U lol)
