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drumming at asda

hey everyone.

wow we done well this morning for drumming. especially for being up so early lol, i didnt think i would ever be able to get up at half 6 and be at asda for half 7 i must say im quite impressed with myself lol apart from i walked from my house to asda which was quite tireing haha. i need to try and start gettin up at that time every morning lol.

how i everyone?

cyaa's xxx

Re: drumming at asda

Yeah, it was awesome! Have to say, I was slightly shocked to see you up that early, Jenna, but well done for making it!

We should go around banging drums at half seven more often!

Re: drumming at asda

yeah me too, i really didn't think i would get up at that time lol..

yes definitley. i guess it would wake me up a bit hehe

Re: drumming at asda

Hey Jenna, my apologies for not getting back to this post sooner, but I have been very busy. It was great to see you at the Asda. If you didn't enjoy drumming then you wouldn't have been there, so looks like we have a keen drummer in the making.I must admit, even Steff looked a bit bleary eyed but you know what? The kids and adults drummed up a storm. They were the best they have been for a long time, and I would guess that the good relationships between all the adults and young people is what makes this such a special group.
You make it to practice every Monday and are getting better every single week. I have seen your confidence getting better when performing in public but hey, thats what its all about. Great to see you happy when drumming keep up the good work.