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Music event Saturday 23rd October

The music event is just around the corner! 4 great bands playing at the doghouse this Saturday at 8pm, it’s going to be a great atmosphere.

Mass Consensus, Black Wild, Lord Luken and also local young lads band The Alley are all jamming for Eighteen And Under.

So if you want to have a good night, come along and have some fun.

Tickets £5 available at grouchos, the doghouse and also at the centre.

14+ more than welcome, under 16s need to be accompanied by an adult.

Hope you can make it!

All proceeds will be donated to Eighteen And Under.

Re: Music event Saturday 23rd October

Was a good night, great young bands and a lot of people turned up. Hopefully this could be the start of many fundraising gigs for Eighteen And Under in the future.

Well done Danny