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Locked out!

The other day was a disaster morning for me, it started out fine, until i burnt my finger. That's not too bad i hear you say, well, it gets worse...
As Jaksyn and I were rushing out of the house late as usual Jaksyn ran right into some dog poo! It also happened to be the only dog poo ever that when you stand in it, it splats all the way up the legs! Ach well, back in the house we go to change his shoes and trousers. So i'm running seriously late now as i pull his things off and throw them in the bath thinking i'll sort it after i drop Jaksyn off. So i grab the now clean Jaksyn, all our bags and pull the door shut, hear the snip on the door click locked...to realise i have don't have my house keys!

I just thought i'd share this with the hope of other people sharing their stories of getting locked in or out of places.

P.S. I have a much worse story of getting locked out with a baby locked in so please share

Re: Locked out!

Lol i might add that the number of missed phone calls i had from jerri when i woke up, i thought she must have locked jaksyn in the house! I don't think i have any stories about being locked out but i do seem to have a total malfunction with doors and windows in general. They just seem to confuse me greatly much to everyone's amusement!

Re: Locked out!

You and doors and windows is soooo funny!
If you've never been locked out, have you ever been locked in? I've done that before too lol

Re: Locked out!

I like your locked out story and of course I have done it too, on more than one occasion. That's why everyone always knows where y spare key is located.

My best locked out was the time, many years ago, when I lost my key and could not get in. Tried to break in but lock was solid. No spare key so I ended up sleeping rough (in Baxter Park) for about a week till my landlords gave me a spare key (cost £20) and a bill (£20) for the damage I'd done to the door.

My mate Avs got locked in with her 2 kids (because her idiot man had gone away with all keys of course) and we had to hand food, etc in through the letterbox for about 4 day. Then we got serious and went round with hammers and all sorts to break them out. Because of the high security doors we had to squeeze them out a side window in the end.

Re: Locked out!

I think when you look back at all the times you have been locked out/in your home or car you just have to laugh at yourself. Iv Locked myself out my flat a hand full of times when i was living in hilltown and I had to sleep in the close way until the next day the landlord opens his office to get the spare set of keys off him.
When i was a kid i locked my sister in the house by accident. I must have been 13ish my sister 11ish, my mother worked a lot and in the summer holidays she would give us each a key for the back door. So... the only way out is to use the back door as my mother locked the front door. One sunny afternoon i was in a rush to go out and play some rugby with me mates, i went out back and locked the door and played rugby for like 6 hours.

When i was walking home i couldn’t find my key for the back door and i thought i lost it in the park, but i was wrong. As a genius, i left my key in the door from the outside so my sister couldn’t use her key and so she was locked in. I was walking towards the door and my sister popped up and looked through the window lol she looked like one of those zombies from 28weeks later. I opened the door and apologise for what happened as it was an accident. She was having none of it her face was all red, eyes swollen from crying and in total rage... so i ran out the house and locked the door again until she calmed down... she didn’t calm down.

Re: Locked out!

LOL. Good stories guys.

Re: Locked out!

Last week I was at my sisters for tea. We decided to order two seperate things. My sister wanted a chippy tea that had to be picked up and me and Michael wanted chinese which was home delivered. Michael goes off to pick up the chippy tea and we are waiting on the chinese being delivered. There is a knock at the door and I get the money to pay the delivery driver. OMG Michael has gone off with the house keys and locked the front door out of habit. Cant open the front door! I'm starving and can smell the food through the letter box. We look around frantically for a spare key but none to be seen. Fortunately the driver waits patiently for Michael to come back. So embarrassing. Anyway that's my experience of door keys.