18u Message Board

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We will respect your confidentiality unless we we are told about a serious crime or any child at risk Then we might have to talk to someone about it to get help.

18u Message Board
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Concerned about my son

Me and his dad have had lots of problems which have ultimately resulted in his dad being arrested for breach of the peace and he is now having to live elsewhere. My son saw the incident which resulted in the arrest. He is now refusing to spend any time with his dad and I think he would benefit from talking to someone else. I don't want him to feel he needs to show support by cutting contact with his dad. Can someone let me know how I can arrange for him to talk to someone at your service.
Thanks Gillian x

Re: Concerned about my son

I am sorry to hear about the problems your son is having. You are possibly right that he needs someone to talk to about it. Will he want to talk though? Sometimes, even though adults know it would be best to talk through problems and feelings, kids don't always want to. listen to adult advice.

We would be happy to see your son, providing he wants this.

You could direct him to this web site if he is old enough? You could also maybe give him some options? He could come and visit our Centre with you. He doesn't have to talk with us and can just check us out. There might be other adults in your life who he knows and would feel able to talk to also. Grandad? Uncle? Aunt? Friend of family? Teacher? The more options you offer, the more chance he will chose the one that suits him best.

Do you have support to get you though this difficult time? There are organisations that can offer you support and even advice. Places such as women's aid for example.

You could come and talk with us if you like and we could maybe suggest places where you might get extra help?

You can e mail me to make it more private or phone the office on 01382 206222 and ask to talk with someone.

Re: Concerned about my son

Thanks for your reply - I have mentioned your service t him and he seems willing to talk to someone about what is going on. Can he just drop n one night after school ( his granny will have to bring him down). He won't get down till about 4.20 will this be ok?
Thanks in advance
Gillian x

Re: Concerned about my son

How about seeing if he can come down next Wednesday after school? If that's not suitable for him and his gran then let me know and I can organise some other time. We are at 1 Victoria Road above Muir Myles and Lafferty solicitors. Let me know.