18u Message Board

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We will respect your confidentiality unless we we are told about a serious crime or any child at risk Then we might have to talk to someone about it to get help.

18u Message Board
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Hi just wondering if someone can give me advice my pal knows everyone at 18 and under but hasnt been in for a few year now shes used to be in all the time she was receiving support from yous aswell but a few month ago she stopped eating and is now being seen at the drs about her weight and is attending the hospital but just refuses to eat snd says she is never hungry... she can go a week without eating shes 21 and has no energy yo do anything im just wondering if anyone can give advice or help as I feel like im doing something wrong by not helping her not sure if use can help me but hoping someone will get back to me thanks for reading

She used to do alot but now doesnt have time for anyone or anything I dont know if her depression has set in bad just now or what!!!!

Re: advice

Hi there,

I am sure you are doing everything you can to help your friend. There is a limit to what you can do as a friend other than being there and listening. I am sure that the professionals at the hospital will be keeping a close eye on your friend. Perhaps you can suggest coming back in to talk to one of us?

Would it help at all if you were to come and chat to one of us? Sometimes it can be hard to watch someone you care about not doing so well. We are confidential and available most days. You can call us on 01382 206222, e-mail or just pop in if you are in Dundee at all.

Re: advice

Its just hard as she stays with me she said she came here for support a fewyears ago but I would rather she camee in and spoke to someone she is preety ashamed of talking to people about it though.. not sure if she was like this before??