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18u Message Board
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pregnant at 18ish

hi i turned 18 in augest and found out today that im 13 weeks pregnant putting the date of conception if the my birthday. i know who the farther is, but he has his nearly 3 year old daughter put up for adoption a year ago, through no fault of his own. im so scared because i live over 190 miles from him,also we known each over 13 years and so does my family. my dad and brother has said they will kill anyone who gets me pregnant before im 21 but my brother is nearly 23 and his girlfriend is nearly 19 and gave birth to my nephew 2 days after my birthday but turned 18, 12 weeks into the pregnancy.
To top it all of my dads kicking me out in january.


Re: pregnant at 18ish

Hi there,

I know it's difficult for you just now but well done for reaching out for help. As you have left an e-mail address I will e-mail you a reply so that it is more private. This board is open to the public. If you don't get my e-mail today, check your spam.

Take care
