18u Message Board

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18u Message Board
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Help Support My Friend


Can somebody help me? My friend is 15 years old, she smokes, drinks, drugs and self harms very often. She is currently talking to a 23 year old, who is sexting her and has a criminal record. She has told me she had 5 suicidal attempts before she met me. She has recently come out gay, She also goes out in the middle of the night when her Mum is asleep. She Her Mum and Dad aren't together but sees her Dad often, her sister on the other hand won't go over to her Dad's as his ex beat my friends sister and my friend witnessed it all and their Dad is now in a marriage with another woman. Her mum doesn't know anything and she doesn't want her to know as her Mum says how disappointed she would be in her, she gets really upsets often and comes to me for anything and everything, she doesn't have any councelling help although she has started going to the school nurse.

I am also 15 and i feel responsible should anything happen to her? Although i'm also trying to deal with my own problems and as i am not a professional i am running out of ideas how to help her.

Please don't report this or anything like this anywhere and please help me, help her

Thank you

Re: Help Support My Friend

Hi Bethany

I have emailed you a response.