18u Message Board

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18u Message Board
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recently ive been going through a hard time at school and i have been annoyed. i am 13 and my mum took away the 3 most important things in my life. cadets, football, and xbox. i have no idea why she did this or what her motive was but i have not been having any fun lately and been exteremly stressed and have been contemplaiting leaving home and going to live with my grandma. i do not know if i should do this because it would not be a wise idea. i have also had a hard time at school as i went through depresion and i ate my hair rather than cutting myself and it has been hard as people at school found out and have been teasing me ever since. What should i do.

Re: help

Hi Stephen,

Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I have now sent you an email.