18u Message Board

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We will respect your confidentiality unless we we are told about a serious crime or any child at risk Then we might have to talk to someone about it to get help.

18u Message Board
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a request for messages of support/kindness

Hi everyone.

One of 18U's volunteers recently raised moneyto buy comforting items for young people affected by mental illness who will have to stay in hospital over Xmas (and much longer).

As well as the things we have bought them we are also delivering a card filled with messages to show that people are thinking of them.

It would be great if people here could write a message for us to put in the card :)

But please when writing remember that a lot of the young people have an eating disorder so nothing about food. Others are suicidal, depressed, and may self harm.

Re: a request for messages of support/kindness

forget the other people that dont have note or any 1 wont u

Re: a request for messages of support/kindness

forget the other people that dont have note or any 1 wont u

Hey hall, sorry if this isn't a good time of year for you buddy.

We are doing this because many of the young people in psychiatric hospitals are unlikely to receive much. So we are trying our best to help where we can! But sadly can't help everyone.

Re: a request for messages of support/kindness

Hi hall,

Do you need someone to talk to? You don't sound as though you are ok just now. If you want to talk to someone in confidence, feel free to email me. Or if you prefer, go onto Eighteen And Under Facebook page and send an IM.

We can't promise to make things better but we can listen and support you.

Re: a request for messages of support/kindness

i will say what i want here my life is harldy a secret every 1 knows around here and takes the **** out of me for it. my parents dont give a crap they up and left without giving me a thought and i get left with note. having to live with my nan who is so old its being so boring and she doesnt care if i stay out all night. She aint bothered about xmas either all she does is shout at me and hit me with her bloody walking stick when she wants a drink making. Everyone takes the mick cause my parents did a runner i aint even had a xmas or a birthday for years i was on my own last xmas all day i aint even got a proper uniform and the cheapest trainers around im a laughing stock so forget about other people that aint in hospital i am alsways forgot about it ****** me off

Re: a request for messages of support/kindness

My message to the young people is

Though i haven't met you are you don't know me i just want to tell you that i care very much about you. You are a unique and important person with the potential to do anything and achieve anything you put your mind to. Never give up. Thinking of you.

Re: a request for messages of support/kindness

where has lou comments gone she aint replying to emails to what has happen to her

Re: a request for messages of support/kindness

where has lou comments gone she aint replying to emails to what has happen to her

Hi there Hall, Please accept my apologies for not getting back to you sooner. If we are ever asked asked by someone who has posted, to remove any of their posts, we do so as soon as we possibly can. We then usually go on to say that we have removed posts but I just haven't had time today to come on here and explain.