18u Message Board

Welcome to our message board. If you need help,or just want to talk to someone you can leave a message here, but please don't give out any personal details (home addresses,telephone numbers).

We will respect your confidentiality unless we we are told about a serious crime or any child at risk Then we might have to talk to someone about it to get help.

18u Message Board
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Posts that disappear

We always remove the posts of anyone who has posted here, as soon as possible, if we are asked by the person to do so. The person does not need to give us a reason though they can if they wish. Recently we were asked to remove some posts and that has now happened. Unfortunately, the posts of anyone else who posted on that person's thread will also disappear. I hope this explains everything.

Re: Posts that disappear

why has she ask for it to be taken off what is wrong with her. she aint replying to emails either is she alright

Re: Posts that disappear

why has she ask for it to be taken off what is wrong with her. she aint replying to emails either is she alright

Hi Hall,

I'm sorry that I cannot explain why, or tell you anything about her. 18u is always confidential. It was nothing to do with anything you did or said though in case you are concerned about that. If you want to chat about anything by email then please feel free to email me.

Re: Posts that disappear

i only want to talk to lou she has been nice 2 me and no 1 else is i aint talking 2 any 1 else why wont she reply to my emails. why wont she tell me herself

Re: Posts that disappear

this forum is crap no 1 talks or answers its ****

Re: Posts that disappear

i only want to talk to lou she has been nice 2 me and no 1 else is i aint talking 2 any 1 else why wont she reply to my emails. why wont she tell me herself

There are lots of reasons why people are not able to talk to people on here. I'm sorry you don't feel able to talk to anyone else. If you change your mind let me know and I'll get someone for you to talk to in confidence.

Re: Posts that disappear

this forum is crap no 1 talks or answers its ****

Sorry to hear that you think this forum is crap. We would welcome any ideas that you have to improve it.

Re: Posts that disappear

some 1 who answers not leave u for days. please can u ask lou to email me

Re: Posts that disappear

some 1 who answers not leave u for days. please can u ask lou to email me

Hey hall. I'm sorry I haven't replied to you. I just had some stuff to deal with, I'm so sorry. Have sent you an email now. I know it's difficult especially when you want someone to talk to but please do try and remember the people here are all human to and have busy life's just like me and you do. They will help you if that's what you want. They can give you better advice than I can, believe me on that one yeah? They have me. Why don't you give Laurie your email address or I can pass it on to her if you wish, she is lovely and will get someone to talk to you. It's ok if you don't want to. I will still talk to you. Please don't think you are not important because you sure are and I am truly sorry for not replying to you sooner.