18u Message Board

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We will respect your confidentiality unless we we are told about a serious crime or any child at risk Then we might have to talk to someone about it to get help.

18u Message Board
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Why do I always say and do the wrong things?

Re: Why?

We can't all say and do the right things all the time. But also sometimes it may feel that you have said or done wrong yet you haven't. I'm guessing you meant well anyway as you are worrying about it now so try not be hard on yourself

Re: Why?

Hey there jerri, nice to meet you. Are you a support worker?
It does bother me as I would never intentionally upset anyone. I'm not great at helping or giving anyone advice. I try my best but my best is never good enough.

Re: Why?

Hey Lou.

I'm a volunteer with Eighteen & Under but a support worker for Izzy's Promise.

Advice is a hard thing to give though! And sometimes although we may not realising it, what you say may have helped. Even saying the wrong thing can help someone more than saying nothing at all

Re: Why?

So a volunteer is different to a support worker? What's izzys promise all about, if you don't mind me asking?

Re: Why?

I say the wrong thing constantly!

But people usually know that I mean well once they think about it lol

Re: Why?

Well I would do support for 18 & Under but I'm not hired by them to do so, I do it as a volunteer. Izzy's promise works with adult survivors of abuse specifically. They have a website if you would like a look and to read what we do :-)