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New year resolutions

Anyone do this, make new years resolutions? If so does anyone want to share theirs for this coming year?

I never have before but think I might this time.

Re: New year resolutions

Nope, I never do as I know I'll break them all within a week lol

Re: New year resolutions

My resolutions are;

To walk the dog regularly even if it's raining.

To brush the dog more often.

Stop reading books when I'm supposed to be working.

and lastly, unless i think of something else.....

Write that book I've been talking about for so long.

Re: New year resolutions

Nope, I never do as I know I'll break them all within a week lol

Hi marley nice to meet you. Have to say this, I absolutely love your name. I've never set any resolutions before and probably won't achieve them if I do, but do want to make a change, but I guess you don't need a new year to make a positive change in life

Re: New year resolutions

My resolutions are;

To walk the dog regularly even if it's raining.

To brush the dog more often.

Stop reading books when I'm supposed to be working.

and lastly, unless i think of something else.....

Write that book I've been talking about for so long.

I like yours Laurie. You're replacing reading a book to writing a book lol. What book are you planning on writing?

Re: New year resolutions

Mines are -

To exercise more

To try and always see the bigger picture and be more understanding

To buy a remote control car

Re: New year resolutions

Happy new year everyone

Mine are to learn to play the guitar (even to some degree) and to learn Spanish (again, to some degree lol)

Re: New year resolutions

I regret to say that i have already broken my resolutions. My dog has remained unwalked and unbrushed this year so far. My only excuses are the endless water that is falling from the heavens, the flooded roads and fields around me and the ceaseless wind howling around the house. In fairness to me though the dog doesn't actually want to go out either.