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my living nightmare

i sleep well only to have nightmares of the abuse. I live the nightmare only to wake up and relive it again and again. People's nightmares are just when asleep but mine don't end. I live a life of continuous nightmares

Re: my living nightmare

Sounds like things are really bad just now bud and I hope they get better.

If you want to Email me you are totally welcome to

Re: my living nightmare

That sounds really awful for you. How do you get through each day? It cannot be easy. Is there anything at all that gives you any relief from it all? Sometimes survivors of abuse manage to find tactics that help them live with it or distract a little from the memories. Things like using breathing exercises and things to keep grounded in the present time. Talking about it and writing helps some people but not everyone. Thinking of you just now.

Re: my living nightmare

i do the grounded thing. My the therepist taught it me well. The medication is suppose to help but as it is real it doesnt. Can't get anyone to understand that. I have huge support in school home therepists and a good friend but what i really need is to be believed not to be told im unwell.

Re: my living nightmare

It's hard when people don't listen. I hope things get better soon for you