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18u Message Board
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its me Kiki again

Hello everyone i am back

Re: its me Kiki again

Welcome back kiki :)

Re: its me Kiki again

Hey Kiki!

Re: its me Kiki again

hello k dog and zoe. How are you both?

Re: its me Kiki again

Hey Kiki

Re: its me Kiki again

I'm good thanks Kiki! Hope you're good too

Re: its me Kiki again

Hi Kiki hope your well!

Re: its me Kiki again

I am ok except school was not so good. How are you? Hey lou ive missed chatting to you

Re: its me Kiki again

There was a time when I absolutely hated school, but it got better so I hope it gets better for you too!

Re: its me Kiki again

Hey Kiki, im sorry to hear that hopefully it gets better soon! Im good thanks. What about today how's your day going?

Re: its me Kiki again

I hate school. I'm sick of being the class freak. Just because im different doesnt mean im a freak does it? Im feeling really sad. is anyone around to talk to

Re: its me Kiki again

No, you're definitely not a freak and no one has the right to make you feel like you are one. being different is important. We're all unique and that makes us special. Hope things get better for you soon!

Re: its me Kiki again

Zoe are you free to chat? I'm running away from my life to start a fresh in a place no one knows me. I'm the saddest ive ever been