18u Message Board

Welcome to our message board. If you need help,or just want to talk to someone you can leave a message here, but please don't give out any personal details (home addresses,telephone numbers).

We will respect your confidentiality unless we we are told about a serious crime or any child at risk Then we might have to talk to someone about it to get help.

18u Message Board
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There is a app that some of you might find useful. It's called Stay alive, and is available on both app store and play store. It's a free app and may just help.


Re: app

There is also a self harm app that might be useful.


Re: app

Thank you for sharing these Lou!
It's really good to know that they exist!
I was recently at a workshop were they were looking for new business ideas and I was thinking how helpful a mental health app would be that helps people by giving them techniques and strategies for different situations and maybe have a chat so you could contact others. Makes me happy to know that people with more technical talent than me are already tackling this in different ways ;)