18u Message Board

Welcome to our message board. If you need help,or just want to talk to someone you can leave a message here, but please don't give out any personal details (home addresses,telephone numbers).

We will respect your confidentiality unless we we are told about a serious crime or any child at risk Then we might have to talk to someone about it to get help.

18u Message Board
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Welcome to our board!

Welcome to the new 18u message board. You can leave messages, ask questions, post poems or stories or ask for help here. It's important that you don't give out any personal information on the board. If we see any messages where personal information is given, we will delete them for your own safety!
Happy posting!!

Re: hi sandra

hi everyone
its meg calrk from auchtermuchty primary school
sandra your really cool
and sean your hot

Re: hi sandra

hey meg! im keiran and work at eighteen and under too,

I totally agree that sandra is cool but sean HOT???


I hope you are enjoying the VIP sessions!


Re: hi sandra

Hi my name is Katy and I work for the VIP project too. Shaun won't be able to fit his head through your classroom door next week after that compliment! lol take care. Katy

Re: Welcome to our board!

Hi Meg

Thank you very much for your post! Not too sure about me being cool, my son would not agree!

I had a great day in your school today! Apart from crying in P.6 you are all fantastic kids and your school is really friendly. I just hope that the sessions we have had will help all of you stay safe.

I am sure Shaun will be happy with your post too when he stops eating those cakes in the office!

Take Care

Re: Welcome to our board!

hello i play kevin leather manson fan i like the layout of the new website just thaught i show i was still alive im 20 now but i still beleive in the charity's beleives much like my beleives in anti bullying my specaility