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18u Message Board
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3 things i am good at...

it is improtant to realise what you are good at. everyone is good at lots of things and sometimes its hard to admit, sometimes it feels like your good at nothing. try to name 3 things you are good at and remember them when you feel like you cant do anything.

I am good at :
1. writing
2. training dogs
3. cheering people up

what are you good at?

Re: 3 things i am good at...

i am good at

1 - being good at everything.
2 - eating.
3 - sleeping.

lol! and loads o other stuff

K-dog x

Re: 3 things i am good at...

I am good at:

1. Drinking ridiculous amounts of red bull!
2. Winding people up
3. Spending lots of money!

Re: 3 things i am good at...

i am good at-

1. being a mum
2.having banter
3.caring about people

Re: 3 things i am good at...

1. hulahoop haha!
2. batman
3. my old job (carer)

Re: 3 things i am good at...

I've already done this, but suppose i can big myself up some more...

1) Doing through the body with a brush

2) Twisting my tongue (lol i'm grasping at straws here)

3) Fighting with cats

Ha ha, that was hard to do again, i started thinking it would be easy, guess i'm not good at much :-( lol

Re: 3 things i am good at...



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