18u Message Board

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18u Message Board
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Jambo-hallo to all,

My name is Joseph, I come from Kenya and work with 18 and under. I also speak swahili, so if you want to learn few swahili words, i am very much happy sharing with you so that when you go for a holiday in kenya to see big animals in the National Park you will be able to say jambo-hallo to the Kenyans.

I hope I will be a good friend to everyone on this message board.

Re: Jambo-Hallo

jambo joseph! its great to see you on here, dont worry, everyone is very friendly on this board. well apart from keiran and i, but thats only to each other cause thats what brothers and sisters are meant to do lol. welcome!

Re: Jambo-Hallo

Jambo Joseph! Glad to see you on the message board!Im sure everyone would love to learn some of your language and maybe you could take us all to kenya to try it out?!

Re: Jambo-Hallo

Hey!! wow! thats like everyone on now (:

Re: Jambo-Hallo

jambo joseph
i think its brilliant that you came all the way from kenya to work with us. we are richer for having you on our team and hopefully some of the staff will learn a lot from you...including another language.

Broadband party!!!!!!!!!!!

I was just wondering now that Irene has got her new laptop and she has internet working..............why not have a broadband party at eighteen and under???????????? lolxxx

Re: Jambo-Hallo

Il second that joseph - and we were promised one! x

Re: Jambo-Hallo

still no internet party lol
now in feb!

Re: Jambo-Hallo

JAMBO to all of you. Joseph my friend, I would love to spend time and if you can, teach me a few phrases in swahili. To me this would make me a richer person. To you, you can take pride in your pupil. To Eighteen and Under.......we can slag em all off and they wont know what we are saying....HA!!!!!!

Re: Jambo-Hallo

As you are new Sandra i will explain to you the rules - there will be no slagging off of Eighteen And Under!! We rock!