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Hello to all. This is forum is really new. Thought I would help bulk it up with some of my comments.
I found this forum through (of course)and I found through which I discovered from my favorite author Charlotte Boyett-Compo. My favorite books of hers are Blackwind and Nightwind.

I like the idea of ebooks for a buck. So far I have a HUGE selection of ebooks. I find them very convenient. They make great reading at night so they don't bother the SO. I'm going to have to buy the whole selection from here when I've got some time. I especially am looking forward to reading the rest of ONE HANDSOME DEVIL. I like the ultimate bad boys.

Re: Hello


I'd like to say I think is a great idea.

I have one book "Tammy and the Private Investigator" by Amy Eastlake. Great book. I'll be buying more and will tell my friends about this place.

I found this place at Dark-Romance also.

Keep up the good work.

Re: Re: Hello

Thanks guys,

I came up with the idea for because I was both a writer and in high technology. I did the arithmetic and discovered that with the cost structure of paper books, they had to be more expensive. I'm glad you like it--the price is right but we need more readers to keep getting the best authors. Do tell your friends.

Rob Preece, Publisher

P.S., thanks for your positive feedback on our books.

Re: Hello

바둑이게임Thank you 그레잇게임for taking the time to publish this information very useful!